To the future- well it is in the IUSP peoples hands now- which stufe I will be placed in for this next semester. Surprisingly well not really surprisingly, but I knew a lot more of the german placement test... some parts were if it were in English - I was like wow.. I do know this - others well I had an idea of what I wanted to say/do who knows if I did it completely correct, but hey it's all a learning process. We also had a speaking test- I didn't do horrible I knew what she asked me and I knew what I wanted to say but I may have made a few mistakes on conveying my message, but I take that as a step - I understood!! GO me.. my German is way better than I think it is... haha mb I should start believing people or better yet in my self. What a concept!
I also went to Hugo's for breakfast with a friend, her name is Eva. She had studied in Millersville, but is German and I haven't seen her in a while so it was nice to catch up. & the food was not that bad either.. my Hot Chocolate was yummmmyy!! Huge but yummy - lol hot coco for bfast -haha livin' the life! :)
Anyways lol Tomorrow our adventure begins literally. We are off to Berlin - where I will hopefully meet up with Sam and his roommate for dinner :) Which excites me so... I haven't seen Sam in a while so It shall be a good thing. Oh and it will provide for bonding time with the new IUSPer's lol the long busride.. I got my preztels and and I cant decided if I'm gonna bring the nutella or not yet.. haha we shall see... yes.. :) and my book and my ipod.. i should prolly bring the cards and mb a journal to jot down some thoughts - that is always good. I have been doing a really great job with my blog - but my other journal well.. major fail.
I will see how that works.. well off to pack and relax after one heck of a nights lack of sleep and a test!
Loves and TTFN
<3 Ris