Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?'"

Running - I would have never have guessed how handy it would be.
I know my obsession that started two years ago would lead me to great things, but never figured that it would help me stay focused and be able to calm my nerves as much as it does. 
With saying that I would like to thank the sport of running for giving me and found hope of the reasons and belief in my self to accomplish my goals. 
Saturday I went on a run to clear my mind and refocus my energy on being here for another 5 months or so.  Mentally preparing myself for my daily struggle with the language, that seems to intensify when I am stressed.  So the run was great, it felt awesome to feel the pavement beneath my shoes and the snow hitting my skin and melting.  It was an evaporating feeling.  Not sure if that makes much sense to anyone else but me, but it works.
I ran for only a mile seeing as I hadn't run in about 2 weeks so I was proud.  As I was walking to my building I was approached by a girl my age asking if I had run through the forest and was wondering if the paths were good again.  Of course this was in German, me being in the zone and exhausted from emotions and pushing myself to a faster time on my mile I could barely function with German, but I attempted.  Eventually we spoke in English, sad to say but I was actually a little relieved this time.  She told me about the paths in the forest across the street, and wondered if I would like to run together sometime.  She said that was the one thing she missed the most when she visited the states was that there really aren't that many cool paths to run on in the "forest" like there is here in Europe.  so I was excited and said yes I would love to.  So we had running date 11:30 outside my building on Sunday, (which is today)
So this morning I rolled out of bed and put on my running tights, shoes, shorts, shirt, and wind jacket and was off.  I decided to run without music because she said that is what she does, otherwise it messes with her strides.  So I figured I would try it.  And off we went.  Awesomely I might add, she had already ran for an hour and 20 min before picking me up.  That is so cool!! I can not wait till I can say something like that.  So we ran up this path with a killer hill - my worst nightmares and of course it conquered me.. I had to walk.  I was out of shape and without music to drive me.  So I eventually lost.  But then we picked it up and came back down the hill to finish our run of about 19 min.  It was a good run and I def felt it in my sides. 
So I believe I have found a new place to explore and a friend to run with.  Just to let you know how small this world really is.. What are the odds that this random person who stops me while running just happens to know Sarina ( my flatmate)  because they went to the same school and they are from the same town of Ansbach.   That is crazy my friends, simply crazy, the world ceases to amaze me.  As my journey in Germany Continues!

Tonight is the Packers game - I hope all are sportin' their GREEN & GOLD!  I have my shirt on and I will hopefully make it the entire game, Come on pack give us a win!!! <3

The pictures from alex's visit and our trip to Ireland will be coming up shortly :) 
Miss and Love you all!
<3 Ris

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