Sunday, December 26, 2010

Never underestimate the impossible - Family World Wind TOUR!

Hello All! Greetings from the Mindt family in Schuttertal!
So as you can tell my family has arrived and we are all safe.. haha now.. let me tell you we have had our stories.. and now I will start to tell you about our tour.

My family departs from MKE at 2:00pm .. well no they were delayed  till 3:10.  Then having them arrive at Chicago at 4:00 ish to then hopefully to catch their next connection at 6:00.  But guess what that was delayed as well til 6:45.  All was still okay they made that flight to Amsterdam and arrived there at about 11:10.  which was an hour later so they had missed their flight to Frankfurt.  But low and behold it was already canceled.  This whole time I was sleeping and then getting up and taking the train from Marburg to the airport at 9:30, not knowing that my families flight was canceled until I arrived.  Once I arrived at the airport, I frantically searched for other flights that they might have been on.. well all the flights from amsterdam were canceled except for two: one being flown by a different company and then another one later that night with lufthansa at arriving at like the supposed time of 7:30.  So I was in the airport  all by myself.. looking for things to do, trying to get ahold of my family, walking from terminal to terminal hoping they were gonna get off that plane.  I played solitare, texted alex and had him check my email- only to find out my family was trying to take a train!!! so I had a whole new thing to look for, so I called my friend beth to see if she could hook up some internet and look for trains from amsterdam to frankfurt.  She found some, but  I had no idea of knowing what  or which train they would be taking.   Eventually I was walking out a bathroom at around 8:30 and there was my family waking towards me!! and I hear.. There she is!  We were finally reunited!! Then it was off to get the car.. Which we found no problem.  It was all good, so we packed the car up with all of our things to turn the car on and get started on our journey.  Well, we put the car in reverse and tried to back out and we went no where.. except for rolling forward into the curb.  Great another bumper in our day.  So my dad and mom walked back to ask for help and get the GPS, which was supposed to come with the car.  well they returned and sara and I piled back into the car with the gps and all of our luggages and we were finally on our way!! The road to our first home was quite an interesting one.  With streets that are only big enough for one car to drive down and weird signs that look like monsters.   We were exhausted by this time, we were seeing things, I clamed I saw a bunny.. but it was not a bunny it was a fox of some sort runing off into the distance.  As we finally neared our destination of night one and night two we were excited and awaiting a warm welcome of the little old man, who decided that he was gonna stay up for us.  Well, we reached our destination according to the GPS, sad to say that  it did not send us the front doorsteps of the place, like we thought it would.  So we spent the next half hour driving up and down a very small road searching for the place number 25.  Finally, I had an epiphany!! I though of turning down the next street and there it was.. the little old man - Herr Hahn waving at us from the window with an extremely happy face and an excited wave!  We MADE IT and it was  1:00am.  We finally called day one of our trip to rest at 1:30am...No need for jet lag here :)

So Sara and I had a seperate room from our parents, we were on the third floor and they were on the second, the house was so pretty and just a beautiful place to stay for our first couple of nights.  So Sara and I awoke at 8:00am to get up and dressed and go downstairs at 8:30 for breakfast and are looking to see our parents smiling faces, but guess what.... we awake to find out that, well I knocked on their door and walked in.  THEY WERE STILL SLEEPING.. the kids ready before the parents now thats not supposed to happen until christmas haha.. Well anyways my parents could not believe that it was already 8:30 and they eventualy got up and we all attended to a lovely breakfast layed out by the Hahn family.  With Eggs, Meat, Cheese, Bread, Jam.  Juice it was great!   My mom Loved the coffee... seriously!  Then we set out on our journey to Nurnberg.  We saw the christmasmarket and had some Gluhwein!  Walked that area and then drove back to Rothenburg, and checked out the Walled in City.  It was old fashion and awesome :)  We ate dinner in Rothenburg at a recommend spot from the Hahn family.  It was all about potatoes!! My mom and sister had potatoes that kinda look like auflauf but, was not quite it.  My dad had fried potatoes with ham and chesse.  While I had Potatoe Corodon-Bleu.. Which tasted more like those chinese dounuts, but without the sugar.  It was sort of upsetting.  Oh well. The rest of the day was good.  Then we made our way back to our german family the Hahns!  They were so nice, I had been emailing his grand-daughters, so we met with then and discussed what our plans were and just had conversation as if we were old family friends.  Also, my mom and dad had a shot of koffee.  It was rather strong I had a taste, not my favorite, but my dad seemed to like it and my mom didnt mind.  Well, then eventually that evening came to an end, we called day 2 at rest at around umm let's 10:30ish.  Goodnight Rothenburg!

** Pictures will be posted later**

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