We woke up packed our things and prepared our selves for another day of driving- off to heidelberg, but not before feasting on breakfast yet again. But this time instead of hard/soft boiled eggs we had Scrambled!! They were a bit runny, but overall a good investment for breakfast. We then made the 2 hour drive to Heidleberg. It went pretty smooth- when we arrived we were shown to our room. and OH my it reminded me of a penthouse. It was on the top floor, everything crisp white, and clean nothing out of place- and huge, it was stretched out!! After that we decided, well my mom decided we should walk, because she was feelin' a bit stale from the ride. So we did, we walked for about 40 min into town. I think it was a little farther than she expected. But it was fun nonetheless. I was leading the way! Woot woot, I was really getting a hang of this navigation thing. :} about time haha..We were walking along and window shopping and then out of no where across the street I see someone I know! It is Mitch, the boy that helped me with my luggage when I first arrived here and then also the boy from my volleyball class. He was with his family, we said hi and Happy Holidays and went our separate directions. It was bizarre. Then Sara got a sweatshirt and we asked the worker where a good resturant was. So she pointed out schmidt's and we were on our way. We get there and it's not to crowded, but we soon learn that there is only one waitress working. When she comes to our table I ask for tap water ( the only free kind- you have to be specific and its only at some places) And she comes back with a pitcher of water that is bubbling I try to explain to her that i asked for tap water. and she said yes we got it from the tap. But honey if you ask me, no water is coming of the tap that is fizzing like this one. so finally i said without gas and she stormed off with the pitcher and came back with a much more normal looking one. Jeesh lol.. then we ordered and they got my order wrong- it was not a day for me. I think the waitress just didn't really like me all that much... haha.. Well my mom got a hamburger.. which was amazing.. I think i may need to get one of those sometime. Then sara got curry-wurst and my dad got brats/sausage. I can't remember whichever one it was- it was yummy :) After finally getting out of schmidt's like an hour and a half later we were off to see the castle!!!
Unfortunately we didn't know how many stairs we were gonna have to climb until we got there! 303 or more. the stairs said 314 but the sign said 303- its confusing. Anyways we hike our way up there, all of us made it :] good bonding time. take some gorgeous pictures and then head inside of the castle, well the inside of the outside. If that makes sense. We also saw a huge keg and got to go on top of it. My dad knows some history about it. I didn't read the sign like he did :( Then we took some more pictures and then went to the apotheke museum inside the castle- it was cool it showed how (drugstores) or medicine places grew and expanded. It was really interesting. I think Papa would have enjoyed it, all the little places to put everything, all very organized. After that we walked back down and visited the Ice-skating rink and there (what was left) Christmas market. My mom got a banana and sugar crepe and I got some more nuts :) yumm Then we hit up some bakeries on our way back to the main train spot. We bought a ticket and hopped on the tram and too it to hans-thomas platz. Well we got off there and I was a bit confused - I couldn't find our way back so we ended up walking the wrong way but in the end we were sooooo close I just went straight instead of turning. But I asked for directions and then all was well and we made it back to our hotel. Were dad fell asleep first and I was updating my blog, but while i was doing that sara was waiting for the internet but I took to long and she fell asleep soo she waited for the internet and didn't even get to use it :( bummer.. then I went to bed and was ready for our journey to Marburg!!!!!
We awoke bright and early and ate some dinner and packed everything up into the car and headed out right away. Even tho we left right away our gps had us turned around a bit and we ended up driving in a circle lol but then we were on our way!! OFF ot my CITY of MARBURG!! Which my whole family now knows how to properly pronounce it.. soo go ahead and ask them- tell them I told you too ;] they will love me for that- my dad pretty much has it perfected.. He was the first one to learn tho.. haha
We finally arrived in Marburg at around 11:00 we immediately came to my place. They liked it. They unpacked the suitcases to repack them and my mom worked her magic. Then I started in on the laundry with Sara!! woot throughout the whole day we did 3 loads.. that is a lot of laundry!!!! While the laundry was being washed lol.. and my mom was packing my dad and I ran off to stock up on food!!!! I have a ton.. well what I think is a ton is probably really not a ton. I thought it was a lot tho.. and I don't have that much room or space to put food, so what I have goes a long way I think :) hopefully :] so thanks parents for feeding me from a far! Then we got into the car and headed off into town to meet up with Beth! She was waiting for us by the church. We then walked a bit and had a brat from the Christmas Market- They were good :) We also picked up more nuts- jeez im addicted I love them :} yumm!! I showed them the church then we walked up the oberstadt, and they got to see that, then went down the elevator to the tourist info shop to get everything like T-shirts and all that jazz then we went back up the elevators. And then Sara, Beth and My mom headed off to the castle while my dad and I ran the stuff back to the car and also to plug the meter!! Didn't wanna get a ticket on the last day we had the car!! So we ran there and then started our way up to the castle. We made it after all the stairs!! I was winded. I'll admit it :) Then we took some family photos - with the background of marburg then headed down the stairs to the gummy bear store where we bought some candy :) go figure right :) then after that we headed to Paprika!! for AUFLAUF! The time had come, my family was going to eat auflauf. We all got a different kind. You will have to ask them what they thought of it. They all liked sara's the best- tortellini auflauf. It was tasty! <3 Then we sat and talked for a while then back to my apartment we drove! I got us a little lost, well acutally we just explored a part of Marburg I had never seen before lol. then to my apartment to finish laundry and pack and watch the movie tangled. Where i immediately thought of kayte and how much we laughed during it. I took a shower and they watched it :) soo funny! I love that movie. Then we talked and tried to call for my ticket and then went to bed and ended our family day in Marburg. :(
The last full day that the Mindt family is together in GERMANY in the year 2010. Well we got up and Sara had some yogurt and bread with Nutella and then we finished packing the car and collected all of my things and then they said goodbye to my room here in Marburg, and we got in and drove away. We stopped for breakfast at Brot & Zeit on Radestrasse, for those who know where that is that read my blog. ( lol) And my mom and I had the same sandwich I have no idea what its called but I had it with ham and she had it with Turkey! Then my dad and sister had the same sandwich it was called a soft-egg. It looked good and they seemed to enjoy it. Then we continued on our journey to Frankfurt, we had to get the car back to the airport by 12:00 for our rental agreement so we thought. So we hurried went to our hotel dropped some of the stuff off and then raced to the airport and got it there at 11:48 pm precisely. then I took some last minute pictures and we said goodbye to our car, which got us to so many places in such a little amount of time. Sadly I do not know how far we traveled but I believe my dad does- so again ask the man who drove it all!! lol :} I think we should name the car Carl. but if anyone has a better idea let me know. And we also said goodbye to Helga- our GPS who we would have never been able to get anywhere without, Seriously! It was sad, then we walked up into the airport and went to baggage storage and stored some bags for a night and then we were off. We bought a group day ticket for Frankfurt and then my tour guiding business began with the help of Rick Steves. We saw Roemer platz and shopped a bit then we saw the Roman Ruins, and the tallest building in the western block 985 feet tall. Then we continued and went into St. Bartholomew's Cathedral and took in its presence. Then we walked down a pretty cool street with a house that was built upside down with the bottom floor at the top. It was sweet. Then we were on the search for somewhere to eat. I of course picked a place we had a walk a long time to.. haha go me!! We arrived there and then walked in and had no idea the place was so big so the waiter had to show us where more tables were. It was rather amusing.. Our waiter spoke Spanish and German and English- So he gave Sara a menu in Spanish and talked to her in Spanish, so this trip even helped her!! GO GERMANY!! Well my dad got some kind of meatloaf- it was interesting looking it tasted good tho- kinda like a minced meatball. I had a brat with fried potatoes. My mom had beef brisket and Pumpkin soup and Sara well she had a little bit of everyone else and an order of potatoes! We know how to share. After that we continued on our walk back to the U-station. We stopped and got bakery on the way. It was tasty and we got apfelkuchen- Apple cake.. oo it was good.. well then we made our way back on the U. I finally understand how they all work!! It's about time I learn right.. haha.. But then we went to the airport waited for our shuttle to our hotel for a while. and then finally made it back. My mom and I went to the bar and got a pizza and a beer and a ginger ale and had good bonding talk. It was nice I wish we could have talked longer. But then the pizza came and we brought it up stairs and shared with the other two haha.. We then confirmed my flight to come home in 6 months, and then talked to Grandma and Grandpa Mindt and then Papa and my mom even got to talk to people from work her boss - Joe! It was good. Until we found out that my mom's Aunt Shirley, My Great Aunt ( I may have spelt that wrong) passed away on Christmas day. :( It is sad and she is in my prayers and I wish I could be home to be there, but they know I am there in spirit. After that news we tried to get more information, but my mom said she would find out more tomorrow when she was home. So then we all piled onto my mom and dad's bed playing Seven's , now that SARA is obsessed with it, for the rest of the night. Eventually around 11:00 we all went to bed. Preparing for take off early the next Morning! Goodnight Frankfurt!
**pictures to come**
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