Thursday, December 16, 2010

end of semester :(

Well this semester at Marburg through the IUSP program has officially come to an end.  This past week has been a rough one.  I didn't go to Budapest but I think it was a blessing in disguse, Well that is how I am going to look at it.  For one, I was able to attend the farewell brunch and enjoy another gathering with the IUSP'ers of the Fall semester 2010.  We were a great group and made great memories and foundations that will further grow as we continue our journey's our seperate ways.  Some people of the IUSP group have put into words what the IUSP group has done for them: I am going to list them below bc they are very impressive!!

Taylor's  Words: Deutschland
And they will ask you whether you touched the stars, and you will say no: I danced among them. But will they understand the beauty in that; probably not, it was our crucible and ours alone. Now we emerge on the other end, and we are changed people (for the better I might add). 

I for one have been humbled by the compassion of a group of people I shall never forget. You gave everything to, me and asked nothing of me in return. You shared elightenment and genuine education with me; is there any gift more blessed by the world; I believe there is not. And through this new learning we have become dearest friends. These are not shallow relationships; their roots are not like the Whillows who will let go at the slightest gale. No these are the friendships that will stand the test of time, like ancient monuments. These are friendships that draw their water from the immortal memory of a place we called Deutschland. They will draw their water from places like Schwartweiss, and the sarcastic creed of the Bro, and his arch nemisis the Bro Hater. What will the Slampieces think when we return to our homes? LOL. And what about snowball fights in Wehrda, and 6 day benders in the Christian Wolfhaus lobby. What about Luge rides atop a mountain, and train rides through the night (not to forget 4 cold hours in Siegen Hauptbahnhof). What about Mexicalli; surely that night will bring a warmness to our hearts even when we are old and decrepid. I will remember Paul was the first person I met when first arriving in Marburg off the train. The first thing he asked me was if I was from Minnesota. You see he could tell by my accent (MinnesOOOOta). And surely we can't forget American Pie in the Berlin Youth Hostel. Drunken bus rides, and drunken histories (Shannan and Nathan, you guys were great).

It is not the places themselves that we remember (although spectacular in some cases, like the Kolner Dom); it's the people we shared them with that we treasure deepest. They earn a specail place in the vault of our memory, and we take them with us to the very end of our lives. Perhaps they flash before us just before the lights go out for good. It seems like a cruel joke that a community so bound by mutal understanding and love should now go it's seperate ways, but thus is life and it is good. We will spread the love that we have here; we will share it with our friends back home. And yes we will rejoyice in our return, where families await in patience, and always in the back of our minds will be the best Thanksgiving ever, jammed into the "Unofficial US Embassy on the 2nd Floor". You see only when we have all left one another will we truely have peace of mind to reflect upon how wonderful our IUSP friends really were. I for one, will surely shed more than one teer when, alas we board our seperate trains, bound for our seperate destines. I hope wherever you end up that you find happieness and harmony. I hope that life is everything for you; that you think everyday how special our universe really is, and when you are old, I hope you have no regrets and no guilt. Life is too short for these things. I hope you have all of these things, surely no group of people deserved them more, and somewhere deep in my heart I know you will find them.

I love you guys; all of you, and let us always know each other as we do right now, with a warm smile on our face (and a german beer in our hand).

Well all goodbye's must come, and ours has come: to soon, I might add, but goodbye's always come too soon don't they. The world bows to the love of friends. War's are beaten back by it, sorrow is conquered by it, and purpose is found in it.

I leave you with the words of a man far wiser than I could ever hope to be. "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Whilliam Shakespear. I can't say I was born great, nor can I say that I've achieved greatness, in fact I know I never will, but what I can say, and without doubt or recourse; I have had greatness thrust upon me. Today that greatness swells inside of me like a colossal sea wave crashing against the rocks of my soul. You guys are great, nothing more, nothing less. Let the universe judge this fact, and let the truth of it shine through.

God whilling we will all see each other again; I'm sure we will in the meantime keep on plugging in that great race called life.

With love, your dearest friend, Taylor 

Isn't that amazing.. I was soo moved when I read this, I hope that I will be able to run into taylor later on in life, he is close by so It could very well happen :) He deff has made this trip something to remember.

Jon's Words: See you later Germany!
I wish I could turn back the hands of time. It seemed just like yesterday I was arriving to Frankfurt, Germany Airport. I been having such a great time. Learning a lot, experiencing a lot, and having fun. Its amazing to think about how I was not even suppose to be here. Originally I planned to study in London, but somethings happened where it was not possible for me to go. I'm happy those things did happen because if so I wouldn't be here having the time of my life. Most people only dream about what I'm experiencing. Being emerged in a different culture, interacting with people from all over the world. Making long time connections and friendships. It has truly been a pleasant stay in Germany. Before arriving here I was so nervous, I did not know how it would be, would the people here be nice?, what would the food be like?, would I be able to manage at first not knowing any German?, Probably being one of few Africans Americans here would I be accepted and treated equally? Those were some of the questions I had in the back of my mind before arriving, and all the answers to my questions were positive. The people are great, it was very welcoming, the food is amazing (Bratwurst=yummy), I was able to manage not knowing German at first and I was able to learn some (Ich Möchte ein Bier bitte.)(I want a beer please), and I am truly loved here. It really will be hard getting on that plane in Frankfurt to go home. There are going to be so many people that I will miss!!! For example (I will try not leave anyone out) IUSP Fam including the staff, My Three Polish girls(Ewalina, Carolina, Asia) , My two fav Italian girls (Angela Jesscia), My boys Ahmed,Bastian,Mich,Pascal,Felix,Ati, The Schwarz Weiß crew, Chilli King, Doner shop owners hehehe, Steph.

Special Thanks to The Father, The Son and Holy Ghost, My family, Millersville University Study Abroad Program, Soical Equity and Diversity office at Millersville University, Intervarsity, Friends  and everyone else that helped me in some way making this possible!!!

  I would love to say that I had an impact on on Jon's life, but more so I would have to say he had an impact on mine.  The way he was so open and willing to communicate with everyone, it truly was amazing.  He made me realize that sometimes in life you just gotta trust yourself and go with what you feel, you will end up making lifetime memories and meeting extraordinary people!

Some quotes that a fellow IUSPer noted along the way
Becca: "You can't taste them you know."Bryant: "...the pretzels?"
Maria: "No the rufee."
- Sept 1 - first night, having a beer at the Eiscafe in Rudolphsplatz
"Shit just got real." - Adam. First documented on Sept. 2
"Das Rollenspiel?" - Olivia, Sept. 7/10
"When people start to bubble you need to go home." - Olivia
"It's Fritz in a closet!" - Stephanie T, Sept. 10
"Wehrda, Bürgerhaus!"
"I'm so fantastically hungry, I might eat parts of Jonathan... so anyway, oven mitts!" - Raphael, Sept 24
"Hast du meinen Drachon gesehen?" - Fritz, Olivia, Maria and Me, Oct 1
"It's a game for witches! It's unholy!" - Alex, Oct. 1
Alex: "Goddammit Grandma!"
Chelsea: "Grandma's a little buzzed right now kids."- Oct. 1
"I didn't have alcohol poisoning! They didn't pump my stomach! I was dehydrated! And sleepy!"
- Alex, Oct. 1
"I'm a hot muthafucka." - Savino, Oct.4
"Regal royalty composes themselves even when shitfaced." - Maria, Oct 15
"Don't need no reason to be fly, baby." - John, Oct 21
"*throws painted black stick in ghost form* get it?! Forest." - Maria, Oct. 23
"My eyes look dizzy." - Chelsea, Oct. 31
"Sneaky Schlampe." - Adam, Nov 4
"I asked him, I said are you gay or are you just very well dressed? And he said, I'm somewhere in the middle." - John the English guy in Vienna, Nov. 5
"He's very light on his feet for a drunkard." - Olivia, Nov 6
If it's not on, it's not on." - Amanda the Australian girl from Vienna, Nov 6
"I just want to rock back and forth under this table like an autistic child. Is that so much to ask?"
- who else? Olivia, Nov 7
Becca: "Which one? The white or the red first?"
Maria: "Which one goes better with tortellini?"
Becca: "!"
Maria: "Open the white first."- Nov. 9
"Love is not about waterslides, Maria." - Mike, Nov 10
"Apparently their hippo-campuses are smaller." - Christina about men, Nov 16
"It's as old as the earth itself, my child." Olivia in an old man voice, Nov 20
"I was just kidding and I should have been real!" - Chelsea playing Egyptian Ratscrew, Nov 21
"I'm an equal Zelda opportunist." - Maria, Nov 25
"I went up to the bus driver and punched him out the window. And then I drove the bus! But shh! Don't tell anyone." - Taylor, Nov 27
"Women flock to the keg. They don't flock to the sixpack! A sixpack doesn't do shit!" - Taylor, Nov 27
"He bitchslapped Libertarianism!" - Taylor, Nov 27
"Who threw the corkscrew? - Olivia, Dec 1
"I would be mad, but you've rocked my world too many times." - Mike, Dec 2
"I am just going to sit on a park bench with a box of Merlot and watch the world go by." - Mike, Dec 3
"I can hear the ocean!" - Olivia holding Paul's sleeves to her ears, Dec 3
"I don't do the whole office thing. I'd rather be homeless." Adam, Dec 4
"I can't get drunk, I have to buy socks!" - Kaleigh, Dec 4
"I was definitely the Mexico of world trade for that one." - Mike, Dec 4
"Standing in the shadow of a football stadium... If that's not a slampiece's dream I don't know what is."- Mike, Dec 4
"Cougar's on the prowl. Cougar's on the prowl." - Chelsea, Dec 4
"I love hollering at the bitches." - Mike, Dec 5
Maria: "True, I am not the perfect Aryan child."
Mike: "I would have hid you... In my Love Dungeon."- Dec 5
"He needs a union." - Taylor about Herbie the Dentist elf, Dec 5
"So...You could say that Canadians make Christmas possible." - Taylor, Dec 5

Okay so  some of those quotes are out of Context.. but they are fun and I was not there to witness all of them but when talked about they deff make the room fill up with laughter :) 

Well Seeing as this blog has been mainly other people's writings I will continue now with words of my own.  On Friday I said goodbye to Susan and Kayte :( It was difficult but I know that someday in the future we will see each other again.. and do YOGA.. hahah.. <3 well mb but still - its fun to fantasize haha I miss my pasta & salad partner.
Saturday was a pretty chill day went to schwarz weiss with a bunch of IUSP people to just chill and hang out some more before more people departed for home.  On sunday I bascially slept all day then, sad goodbye to Chelsea- Sad day, Fellow Volleyball Partner has left me and now is officially safe and sound at home :) I will miss you but a reunion is a must!
Monday I recieved my utmost generous Package!! Which was hell for me to get but I finally got it! Thank you Gma & Gpa, Greg, Carla, Kendal, Alec, Sara, Mom, & Dad!  Everything is perfect and the food.. I mean I had just mentioned to my mom how I was craving Gpas famous Cake cookies and the ritz pb chocolate things.. And look now i have them <3 the boots and backpack and scarf and socks and Camera.. are perfect!! I love them all!! Then I went to sued haus with the IUSP gang again to chill and relax on some more people's last day there :( Schade!
Then tuesday I pretty much slept all day to prepare myself for my crazy journey to the airport with Mike, Paul, Adam, Christina, Jenny (those leaving us) & Kalli, Kaleigh, and Beth! It was quite an eventful night we sat in the airport lobby until about  4:50am when the 4 of us had to go back and catch the train back to Marburg.  During those 5 hours we were there we talked and created a list of awards for IUSP people.. I will post that as well.. Ik this blog is long. but good :) (hopefully hahaa) We played cards, talked and just enjoyed each other's company.  We then made our goodbyes and Cya this summer's... and hopes to have reunions :)
I will miss them- Dativ Akkusativ, *snap *snap - Carrr-ee-ssaaa!  It will be weird with out them! :(
Wednesday I slept then Sam came to visit and we made an awesome dinner :) yummmmm!!! I chopped Onions haha go me! Then we just chilled and played way to many different versions of uno with Sarina and listened to Akon!
thursday- today I got up early and escorted Steph to the airport with beth at 5:30 in the morning. to then see her off at check-in to come back to Marburg at 10ish and go to bed.  My days are deff messed up. and I am recovering from being sick.. lack of sleep does not help this situation..
On the upside my family comes in well 3 days time!! I can not believe it.. Where has this time gone.. don't get me wrong I am totally stoked for my family to come, I am just shocked that almost everyone who I have come to call my IUSP family has left the country already.  Meaning I will have to create a new IUSP family next semester.. It is just rather sad :(
Well I hope all is well at home ooo and btw here is the list of the awards.. some of them are jokes but all in good fun :]

Most Wife-like Characteristics: Emily B.
Best American Accent: Biz B.
Trailblazer of the Year: Molly-Ellen B.
Best Beard Award: Tony D.
The Mystical Zorro Award: Alejandro D.
Most Consistent Animalistic Behavior: Adam "R." D.
Most Improved Alcohol Tolerance: Olivia E.
The Obscure Pop-culture References Award: Danny F.
Closet Comedian of the Year: Kathryn G.
Most Eccentric Mannerisms: Taylor G.
Most Epic Hug Award:Kayte G.
Like the Best, Fucking Like, Sentence Filler, For Sure Award: Chris G.
Best Girlfriend x4: Kiah H.
Most Prepared Traveler Award: Christian H.
Conveniently Placed Short Person Award: Katie H.
 Exclusive VIP Award: Gauri I./Bronte M.
For being the Best Kendall Award: Kendall J.
Greatest Liability to Furniture: Kaleigh K.
Biggest Threat to Masculine Dominance: Beth K.
Most Eligible Bachelorette: Maria L.
Best Host: Jon L.
Closet Drunk of the Year: Nathan L.
Most Constantly Absent: Jen L.
Greatest Inability to Blend In: Paul M.
Costume of the Year: Lizzie M.
Best Storyteller: Holly M.
 Latin American Bait of the Year: Carissa M.
Most Attached Slampiece (BF is Bro-King): Kalli O.
Wine Queen: Becca P.
Most Excited About Science: Jenny P.
Best Dressed: Savino R.
Recycling's Worst Nightmare: Edlin R.
For outstanding performance; Mallard Award of Quack and MVP of the Flying "V": Bryant S.
 Best Photographer: Susan S.
Most Likely to Get an A in Prof. Hanke's Course: Alexandra S.
Most Complicated Love Life Award: Stephanie T.
Best Ass: Alex W.
The Where-the-Fuck-were-you Award: Issac K.-W.
The Bra Queen Award: Shannon W.
Cyborg Slampiece Award: Nels Y.
Best Ke$ha Impersonator: Mike Z.

We all have our quirks and thankfully we got to know each other's well. Thanks for a great semester! 
 People Cited for Work: Kalli O., Jenny P., Adam R., Paul M., Carissa M., Mike Z., Beth K.,Christina H.

  I hope this Blog has been enjoyable I had fun writing it :) miss you !! Hope you all have a happy holiday!
<3 Ris

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