Friday, December 31, 2010

The Final Day of Travel and 2010


That is today- December 31st.  We woke up at 4:45ish am to pack up everything, and go down into the lobby to await the Shuttle bus to take us to the airport.  We take the shuttle bus at 5:30 with some other people also flying on my parents flight to Chicago, they were nice :)  Arrival at the airport we go and pick up the luggage from the baggage storage and work our way back up to the ticket counter, where it took forever and a half to get there tickets.  While they were getting their tickets I was downstairs trying to determine when my trains were to Marburg.  I figured it out and came back up and they were still in line.  But shortly after they were being helped.  After getting the tickets it was off to find something to eat.  We went to this little cafe area, I had what seemed to be an attempt at yogurt, so I got fruit as well and my mom had an egg sandwich and my dad and sister well they had pieces of bakery!  After we ate, we had the last exchange of pictures and anything else they gave me including water bottles.  And then we walked to the clearing where they asked if I was leaving or walking farther.  They said they could manage so I said goodbye.  Yet again, it was tearful.  I didn't think it would be bad, but I cried, it was sad :( then I was leaving and I went the wrong way and then I saw them being confused and eventually they were going the right way and so was I, to bad it wasn't together anymore, but I will be with them again soon. As I am writing this they should be arriving in Chicago within the hour :) Safe and sound and then Again in Milwaukee around One!  I made it back to Marburg at around 9:30 this morning.  I still have not slept I have been updating the blog and facebook all day.  Tonight will be a rough one for me, for I have no sleep and its New years Eve!! Gotta make it to 12 on a day like today, not everyone gets to say they get to bring in the new year in Germany in their life time.  I feel pretty special.  
Looking back on the trip- it was amazing I can not believe all that we have done, in such a short time.  Granted I know we would have done something different now that we have done this trip, but It was worth every penny.. well I think it was, I hope my family does to.  I was glad I got to share a little bit of what I have learned and the language and where I am living with my family.  I hope they are able to spread and share their stories with your as well.  
Some funny things or quotes from our trip:
Dad- "Wait I can't see my light,  Where the hell do they put these lights?" referring to traffic lights
Unnamed- "My toes are so fat they overlay each other. It's like they have their own home." - on comparing feet
Trouble with kidneys - Mom - Sara not so much
One is the lonliest number - Mom on my last Butterfinger
ME - Monster Sign!
Me- randomly singing completely random songs & of course my one liners ;}

Some things my family liked about Germany:
  • Historic Nature
  • The food (overall)
    • Especially the meat
  • Breakfast
  • Castles
  • Snowflakes
  • The company ( mom)
  • Fresh bread
  • Mountains/trees/covered with snow
  • Fresh fruit and flowers in the middle of winter
  • Their strollers
  • Autobahn
  • ICE trains
  • Cool glasses and lights in resturants
Some things my Family found hard to adjust to
  • Smokers
  • Stairs got to be a little to much sometimes
  • having to pay for water
  • Pay for Bathroom
  • and having nothing cold to drink!
  • Everyone bikes here in Winter!
  • Lame Pillows - no support
  • Snow tires- had to pay extra?? they looked like our tires at home
  • Sprite Zero or diet anything is hard to find
  • Roads that are 2 directions but only big enough for one car!
Overall I think that my family had a great time, I know I did, I wish it was longer and I wish more of my family could have come along with.  But I am grateful for the time that I had with them and am looking forward to seeing them again soon!!  <3

I can't believe this year is already coming to an end.  It feels like just yesterday that we were welcoming the new millennium.  I guess that is old news now.  Here comes 2011 if your are ready or not, look out!
This year I will turn 21, and return from spending 10 months abroad.  That is crazy!  Wow.
I have some Resolutions or things I want to add to my bucket list of my life.
Res 1. Be true to myself
Res 2. Run a Marathon
Res 3. Have fun/less stress

Things to add to the bucket list:
1. Cross country skiing.
2. try downhill skiing or snowboarding

I believe I had another thing to add to my bucket list, but it slips my mind.  I hope that everyone has a wonderful time bringing in the new year!  I love you and miss you all!
<3 Rissa

3 cities 3 days!


We woke up packed our things and prepared our selves for another day of driving- off to heidelberg, but not before feasting on breakfast yet again.  But this time instead of hard/soft boiled eggs we had Scrambled!! They were a bit runny, but overall a good investment for breakfast.  We then made the 2 hour drive to Heidleberg.  It went pretty smooth- when we arrived we were shown to our room. and OH my it reminded me of a penthouse.  It was on the top floor, everything crisp white, and clean nothing out of place- and huge, it was stretched out!!  After that we decided, well my mom decided we should walk, because she was feelin' a bit stale from the ride.  So we did, we walked for about 40 min into town.  I think it was a little farther than she expected.  But it was fun nonetheless.  I was leading the way!  Woot woot, I was really getting a hang of this navigation thing.  :} about time haha..We were walking along and window shopping and then out of no where across the street I see someone I know!  It is Mitch, the boy that helped me with my luggage when I first arrived here and then also the boy from my volleyball class.  He was with his family, we said hi and Happy Holidays and went our separate directions.  It was bizarre.  Then Sara got a sweatshirt and we asked the worker where a good resturant was.  So she pointed out schmidt's and we were on our way.  We get there and it's not to crowded, but we soon learn that there is only one waitress working.  When she comes to our table I ask for tap water ( the only free kind- you have to be specific and its only at some places)  And she comes back with a pitcher of water that is bubbling I try to explain to her that i asked for tap water. and she said yes we got it from the tap. But honey if you ask me, no water is coming of the tap that is fizzing like this one.  so finally i said without gas and she stormed off with the pitcher and came back with a much more normal looking one.  Jeesh lol.. then we ordered and they got my order wrong- it was not a day for me.  I think the waitress just didn't really like me all that much... haha.. Well my mom got a hamburger.. which was amazing.. I think i may need to get one of those sometime.  Then sara got curry-wurst and my dad got brats/sausage. I can't remember whichever one it was- it was yummy :)  After finally getting out of schmidt's like an hour and a half later we were off to see the castle!!! 
Unfortunately we didn't know how many stairs we were gonna have to climb until we got there! 303 or more.  the stairs said 314 but the sign said 303- its confusing.  Anyways we hike our way up there, all of us made it :] good bonding time.  take some gorgeous pictures and then head inside of the castle, well the inside of the outside. If that makes sense.  We also saw a huge keg and got to go on top of it.  My dad knows some history about it. I didn't read the sign like he did :(  Then we took some more pictures and then went to the apotheke museum inside the castle- it was cool it showed how (drugstores) or medicine places grew and expanded.  It was really interesting. I think Papa would have enjoyed it, all the little places to put everything, all very organized.  After that we walked back down and visited the Ice-skating rink and there (what was left) Christmas market.  My mom got a banana and sugar crepe and I got some more nuts :) yumm Then we hit up some bakeries on our way back to the main train spot.  We bought a ticket and hopped on the tram and too it to hans-thomas platz.  Well we got off there and I was a bit confused - I couldn't find our way back so we ended up walking the wrong way but in the end we were sooooo close I just went straight instead of turning.  But I asked for directions and then all was well and we made it back to our hotel. Were dad fell asleep first and I was updating my blog, but while i was doing that sara was waiting for the internet but I took to long and she fell asleep soo she waited for the internet and didn't even get to use it :( bummer.. then I went to bed and was ready for our journey to Marburg!!!!!

We awoke bright and early and ate some dinner and packed everything up into the car and headed out right away.  Even tho we left right away our gps had us turned around a bit and we ended up driving in a circle lol but then we were on our way!! OFF ot my CITY of MARBURG!! Which my whole family now knows how to properly pronounce it.. soo go ahead and ask them- tell them I told you too ;] they will love me for that- my dad pretty much has it perfected.. He was the first one to learn tho.. haha
We finally arrived in Marburg at around 11:00 we immediately came to my place.  They liked it.  They unpacked the suitcases to repack them and my mom worked her magic.  Then I started in on the laundry with Sara!! woot throughout the whole day we did 3 loads.. that is a lot of laundry!!!! While the laundry was being washed lol.. and my mom was packing my dad and I ran off to stock up on food!!!! I have a ton.. well what I think is a ton is probably really not a ton.  I thought it was a lot tho.. and I don't have that much room or space to put food, so what I have goes a long way I think :) hopefully :] so thanks parents for feeding me from a far! Then we got into the car and headed off into town to meet up with Beth! She was waiting for us by the church.  We then walked a bit and had a brat from the Christmas Market- They were good :) We also picked up more nuts- jeez im addicted I love them :} yumm!! I showed them the church then we walked up the oberstadt, and they got to see that, then went down the elevator to the tourist info shop to get everything like T-shirts and all that jazz then we went back up the elevators.  And then Sara, Beth and My mom headed off to the castle while my dad and I ran the stuff back to the car and also to plug the meter!! Didn't wanna get a ticket on the last day we had the car!! So we ran there and then started our way up to the castle.  We made it after all the stairs!! I was winded.  I'll admit it :) Then we took some family photos - with the background of marburg then headed down the stairs to the gummy bear store where we bought some candy :) go figure right :) then after that we headed to Paprika!! for AUFLAUF! The time had come, my family was going to eat auflauf.  We all got a different kind.  You will have to ask them what they thought of it.  They all liked sara's the best- tortellini auflauf.  It was tasty! <3   Then we sat and talked for a while then back to my apartment we drove!  I got us a little lost, well acutally we just explored a part of Marburg I had never seen before lol. then to my apartment to finish laundry and pack and watch the movie tangled.  Where i immediately thought of kayte and how much we laughed during it.  I took a shower and they watched it :) soo funny! I love that movie.  Then we talked and tried to call for my ticket and then went to bed and ended our family day in Marburg. :(  

The last full day that the Mindt family is together in GERMANY in the year 2010.  Well we got up and Sara had some yogurt and bread with Nutella and then we finished packing the car and collected all of my things and then they said goodbye to my room here in Marburg, and we got in and drove away.  We stopped for breakfast at Brot & Zeit on Radestrasse, for those who know where that is that read my blog. ( lol)  And my mom and I had the same sandwich I have no idea what its called but I had it with ham and she had it with Turkey!  Then my dad and sister had the same sandwich it was called a soft-egg.  It looked good and they seemed to enjoy it.  Then we continued on our journey to Frankfurt, we had to get the car back to the airport by 12:00 for our rental agreement so we thought.  So we hurried went to our hotel dropped some of the stuff off and then raced to the airport and got it there at 11:48 pm precisely.  then I took some last minute pictures and we said goodbye to our car, which got us to so many places in such a little amount of time.  Sadly I do not know how far we traveled but I believe my dad does- so again ask the man who drove it all!! lol :}  I think we should name the car Carl.  but if anyone has a better idea let me know.  And we also said goodbye to Helga- our GPS who we would have never been able to get anywhere without, Seriously!  It was sad, then we walked up into the airport and went to baggage storage and stored some bags for a night and then we were off.  We bought a group day ticket for Frankfurt and then my tour guiding business began with the help of Rick Steves.  We saw Roemer platz and shopped a bit then we saw the Roman Ruins, and the tallest building in the western block 985 feet tall.  Then we continued and went into St. Bartholomew's Cathedral and took in its presence.  Then we walked down a pretty cool street with a house that was built upside down with the bottom floor at the top.  It was sweet. Then we were on the search for somewhere to eat.  I of course picked a place we had a walk a long time to.. haha go me!! We arrived there and then walked in and had no idea the place was so big so the waiter had to show us where more tables were.  It was rather amusing.. Our waiter spoke Spanish and German and English- So he gave Sara a menu in Spanish and talked to her in Spanish, so this trip even helped her!! GO GERMANY!! Well my dad got some kind of meatloaf- it was interesting looking it tasted good tho- kinda like a minced meatball.  I had a brat with fried potatoes.  My mom had beef brisket and Pumpkin soup and Sara well she had a little bit of everyone else and an order of potatoes!  We know how to share.  After that we continued on our walk back to the U-station.  We stopped and got bakery on the way.  It was tasty and we got apfelkuchen- Apple cake.. oo it was good.. well then we made our way back on the U. I finally understand how they all work!! It's about time I learn right.. haha.. But then we went to the airport waited for our shuttle to our hotel for a while. and then finally made it back.  My mom and I went to the bar and got a pizza and a beer and a ginger ale and had good bonding talk.  It was nice I wish we could have talked longer. But then the pizza came and we brought it up stairs and shared with the other two haha.. We then confirmed my flight to come home in 6 months, and then talked to Grandma and Grandpa Mindt and then Papa and my mom even got to talk to people from work her boss - Joe!  It was good.  Until we found out that my mom's Aunt Shirley, My Great Aunt ( I may have spelt that wrong) passed away on Christmas day. :( It is sad and she is in my prayers and I wish I could be home to be there, but they know I am there in spirit.  After that news we tried to get more information, but my mom said she would find out more tomorrow when she was home.  So then we all piled onto my mom and dad's bed playing Seven's , now that SARA is obsessed with it, for the rest of the night.  Eventually around 11:00 we all went to bed.  Preparing for take off early the next Morning! Goodnight Frankfurt!

**pictures to come**

It's that Slippery - Icy, kind of way!

So this is a sad day, we need to depart from our new beloved hotel, as we are packing and leaving our beautiful hotel, their dog Guinness, decides he wants to visit :) So he comes and chills with us for a bit- he was so cute. He makes me miss Baloo, whenever you see him, give me a huge HUG for me please!!!
Then we ate breakfast one last time, and we were on our way to Neuschwanstein to visit Ludwig's famous castle.  This specific castle was special because it had the latest technology of its time.  It had running water, and a telephone (1884).  The sad thing was that King Ludwig never go to enjoy the full castle, for it was never completed.  The day after King Ludwig was declared unable to rule, he was found dead in the river.  Some say it was murder, others say he just drowned.  Another cool thing about this castle was that it was designed by a painter the same painter who painted the enchanted forest in the concert hall.  To this day, there are concert held within the castle mainly pieces from Richard Wagner and other classical music.  Also in the concert hall, is the only thing directly linked to King Ludwig, his coat of arms- he did not want or have any paintings of himself within the castle, because he did not want to take away from his donating to the castle to the arts!  So now that you know a little bit about the castle, I can tell you that the hike up to the castle is only mile long, but it felt like eternity to some.  It is because it is up the side of a mountain.  Overall, it was a nice way to work out and enjoy a great view with the family! On our way back down from the castle we stopped and had some Gluhwein and some Bavarian Treats.  They tasted like dough balls with sugar.  Again not very healthy but Yummy all the same!! <3  We then continued to bottom and piled in the car and we were again off to another destination- Schuttertal, near Freiberg or the Schwarzwald (Black Forest).  We were driving and driving and driving some more and finally we decided to eat at this place that claimed to have the best schnitzel around.  or just really good schnitzel on its sign.  So we go in and eat.  I was the only one who ordered Schnitzel.  It was tasty not the best, but deff tasty.  My dad had a 1 meter long curry-wurst and almost finished it with a little bit of our help :) right right!  and then My mom and sister had friend potatoes with ham and cheese.  My mom didn't like it to much :( so she had some of my dad's lol :] nice how that works.  Then after dinner we were off again to our hotel, to find it in the dark.  Seeing as it gets dark here around umm let's go with 5 and then get's light again around 9 ish. There isn't much sunlight, its mainly Grey skies.  Yuck- anyways on the road driving.. and the gps tells us to take this turn so we take it no problem its on this hill going up the mountain, and its been snowing and its icy and its getting late and its dark out.  Well all those things seem problematic, if we were thinking we would NOT have gone up that HILL- EVER!!

But here's the HORROR STORY as i like to call it from our driving.  I'll set the scene:
Helga- GPS ; Dad-Driver; Mom- Navigator: Me- passenger drivers side; Sara- passenger side.  
Late at night, Dark, going up a hill, curvy road, edge of the hill on the driver side, road big enough for 1.5 cars, and its icy! GO:
Me- I'm scared.  
Mom- Of what?
Me- Sliding... (looking out my window)
 ......2 min later.......
Helga- in 100 yards turn right, ........ Turn Right, Go straight.
Dad- Okay so then we go straight?
Mom- yes up this road, this is the right way.
So Dad drives up the road - 5 min later, about 100 yds up
Dad- This is the right way?
Mom- Yes, keep going this is the right way, we are going right
(the car is slowing down) - keep going , it says straight
Dad- I can't my wheels are slipping
Me- OMG - OMG.. (freaking out) 
btw. Sara was reading, okay mb she stopped now-ish but didn't look like it.
Dad- I can't move, I have no friction.  (He takes his foot off the break to give it more gas... and the car slides back about 3-5 feet. 
Me-AHHHHH....... with sniffs and tears.  
Mom- Carissa, just breathe your okay.  You are okay, just breathe.
Me- gasping for air.
Dad is slowly trying to back us down the hill. slipping and sliding in every direction
Mom- Stay close to this side, Tim Stay to this side.
Dad- I KNOW, I just don't want to hit the snowbank either.  
Sara- breathe Carissa.
Mom- How are you doing Carissa?
Me- fff-fff-fffinnneeee... sniff sniff.. (big breath) (thinking to myself.. we are okay we are okay we are okay.. omg omg omg )
Finally we made it back to somewhat stable ground and then I had to gather my wits and prepare myself to speak German to try and figure away to get our hotel.  So my mom and I walk up to some random house, that has a light on, and first we are frightened by this Huge WOOF! and see this ginormous dog looking at us, but we figured help was more important so we continued to the door.  We rand the doorbell and waited, no show, then we rang the other bell, and finally a man in a t-shirt & jeans opens the door.  Of course he speaks no English, so I had to try my best after being scared to death to converse and find a new way to our destination.  So in the end of it all, the man was laughing to himself, on how we tried to go up that way because no one goes up that way in winter they only come down.  Well either way I was still thankful to finally get directions and get back on a non-ICY road!  Eventually we made it to our destination by 8:00 pm give or take.  Then we up loaded and relaxed, mom and I went downstairs, got dad a beer and bought a banana split for all of us to enjoy after that one Hellish Car ride! EKK :(  Well, Sara read her book, actually finished it, mom reorganized and went to bed early and my dad and I Watched the Packer game!! It was nice to have someone to watch the game with.  That doesn't happen over here.  I can not WAIT for next year and the packer parties.. we GOTTA have them!!! GO PACK GO!! Then it was off to bed, it had been a long day!

We actually slept in a bit, woke up at 8:30, I had to figure out how to operate the shower for sara, we had to pull up on this tiny little nozzle.  But we finally got it, after that it was breakfast time :) yumm... then we were trying to see what to do.  So we decided hey lets check out this Glass museum.  Well we went there and sad to say we never made it to the museum.  We just checked out the HUGE glass store that sold a million things.  Well atleast it felt like it.  My mom was in heave.  I will say I was enjoying myself was well.  My dad, I think he thought it was cool, but worried about how many things we would be carrying home, and trying not to break.  lol After a while in the Glass store we headed off to Freiberg main town. We were trying to follow Rick Steve's advice and see the mooning Gargoyle, but I didn't see it and neither did my family.  I am a little disappointed I could not find it :(  then we hit up one of the hopping places in his book called Tacheles.  It was pretty cool, the building was divided and had a bridge type thing to get to the other side.  It was pretty unique.  My mom had schnitzel, which she got for Papa, and she said it was D-licious!!! yumm yumm my dad also got schnitzel but my mom liked hers better.  Sara got gnocchi and I got spaghetti. All was very appetizing and very filling :) which is a good thing.  Then we returned safely back to our hotel, without going up that crazy hill and I think my family played cards, and updated!  Yes well then we all snuggled nice and neatly into our beds.  Oh wait.. my dad wasn't feeling good and he was the first one that fell asleep and my mom and I watched an episode of house.  It was a good one :] and it was good bonding time.  Sara was already sleeping.  lol <3 Love my family!!!!!

**pictures ahead**

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chestnuts Roasting on a Open fire.... EWWWW

Well when looking back at my blog, i realized I missed a city from yesterday after going to salzburg.  We went to hellbrunner as well.  It had a really small christmas market and we wanted to buy some nuts, so we weren't sure what this type of nut was- Maroni auf Deutsch. btw it is a chestnut.. so I asked to try one- It was the most disgusting thing I have ever tried like a nut.  We quickly ran back towards the other nut stand and bought madeln ( roasted almonds) yumm!! So good - well then we went back.  I can't believe I forgot that.. haha Again on our way back it was full of roads where we had to wait if a car was coming, for them to pass before we could continue.  It took us a while :(

After yet another amazing german breakfast, we piled all of our stuff into our car and started our drive to our next destination Garmisch-Partenkirche.  We had stops planned on our way.  First stop Munich!  Of course, we visited the Christmas Market again- that is a must do when you are here in germany.  We had an amazing 1/2 meter long Bratwurst WHICH my FAMILY loved myself included, we could have eaten one each by ourselves.  Now on the trip that is what we are looking for great german brats- haven't found one as good as that one yet.  We also had kinderpunsch, which is the non-alcoholic warm winter drink, it was rather tasty.  Again we picked up some souveniours and got some mugs.  It was a very successful Visit then we were off to find our place where we would be staying for christmas 3 nights- and a 3 star hotel.  Well, first we drove up all of these long snow covered hills into the mountains.  Seeing as Garmisch and Partenkirche are 2 different towns sepearted by a tunnel into a mountain side.  It was a rather pretty drive.  So we arrive at our destination and the outside looks promising.  So we ring the bell get the key and are shown to our room.. Well we walk in and at first glance it was alright, so this is a 3 star hotel??  One of the beds were not made and it just didnt seem as if they were ready for us to be there. Even though it felt like we were the only ones there.  (disappointing)  So after the guy fixed up the other bed, he left and my family and I discussed our room situation.  This room, well let me say this, there was not light cover on the over head light, the painting on the wall had a broken frame and was crooked, the wall paper was coming off the wall, the paint was chipped, the curtain ring on the wall was broken and the wall by the door was so hot that if you fell on it you could burn yourself.  The bathroom was nice, extremely cold, but very nice.  So we were disappointed seeing as this is where we were supposably staying for christmas.  It was a let down seeing as all of the other places were so nice.  So we got ready and held our heads high and started on the lookout for an information booth with a map, seeing as our place didnt have one.  So I typed it into the GPS, the first location was a bust, no idea where the Info stand was so I plugged a new one in.  Conincidentally we came across Hotel Forsthaus,with the lights on and a sign on the door that says English speaking. Seeing that sign we tell my dad to pull over and my mom and I run across the street, to ask the hotel for directions and look for a map.  As soon was we walked in we were engulfed in Christmas atmosphere, and the smell of candles.  It was so nice and can not forget the free cookies.  So we rang the reception and asked if they had a map, we then asked if they had room for 4 ppl,  the reception person called the boss and they SAID yes, before agreeing to anything we asked to check the room/s out.  He was like no problem.  He showed us the room- Tvs, two rooms adjacent to each other as if it was a suite, english channels, Free wifi, great bathrooms, a table for more than one person.  It was amazing. So our next predicament was getting out of our supposaded 3 star hotel, we asked to put the room on hold and if we could get out of our current arrangments we would come tomorrow morning.  With that we took the map and the directions to the christmas market and headed back to the car.  So we informed Sara and Dad of the hotel, and we all decided we were gonna try and switch it, becuase christmas well its kinda special you know.  Well, we went to the quaint little christmas market, and lidl to buy some soda and some choco bars and then headed back to our hotel.  Upon arrival we rang the doorbell and started working up a story.  So the guy returned and we explained the situation,but he was not gonna budge with his 80% need to be paid if you don't cancel by 35 days before.  So I started ranting in German at the man, and my mom just sat by and listened.  At the end of it all, we went our sepearte ways only to talk tomorrow at breakfast.  When we got back to the room, we played cards and decided we were going to leave no matter what tomorrow, even though I said the famous one liners of how Christmas - is all about the people we are with not where we are.  And I had another good one, but I can not remember it :( bummer.  We then went to bed to prepare for our adventurous morning. 

So we awoke and packed all of our things, and started to pack the car. Overall that night in that hotel was not a pleasant one, trouble sleeping, upset stomach, and just uncomfortableness.  For breakfast, it was a typcial german one, very small, but the jelly was amazing! This was homemade by his mom, unfortunately she passed away last year. We are thinking that he inherited this business from his mom after she passed away.   After breakfast I tried working my magic again.  He wasn't budging so we paid the 80%, but got a discount for the room condition.  He also felt bad, so he equipped us with a Stein, some fine wine, and a full jar of his moms homemade Brombeeren Jelly.  VERY TASTY.  So even though the guy was nice, he still gave me the creeps and we were all happy to leave.  So after breakfast we finished packing the car and headed to the other hotel hoping they still had our room on hold.  WE arrived and They had it all saved!! We unpacked and ran off to pick up some food because for the next 2 days almost everything is closed seeing as it is a holiday.  We went to REWE one of my favorite places to shop in Marburg.  It is a grocery store, for those who do not know.  After stocking up on some bread, bananas, soda, chips, and some beer we continued off to the Church in the town of ETTAL!  It was goregous.  Where we light two candels in remberance of Lita May.  We then walked around the little town of Oberau where our new hotel was located.  We found a nice christmas store and bought more souveniours.  After that we were on the prowl for somewhere to eat, sadly everything was closing.  Until, AT LAST, we came across a greek resturant that was OPEN- so we went on in and sat down and had ourselves a wonderful Christmas Eve meal.  My mom had Slovaki, my dad had a Gyro, I had hamburgs (tiny ones), and sara had turkey Kabobs.  After our late lunch we returned to our new hotel :) Where we found homemade cookies and a little angle ornament awaing for us on our night stand. this is when we knew we made the right decision, and started to play cards and relax.  OO we played Sevens, and Kings Corners and streamed an episode of CSI NY, just for giggles.  Also we feasted on peanut butter and Banana sandwichs from our lovely excursion to REWE!  Then we all cuddled into our nice warm beds and awaited the morning sun of Christmas Morning. 

Good Morning - CHRISTMAS!!! WEll sara and I woke up with stockings at the end of our beds filled to the rim.  We however, went to breakfst first  and was amazed by the plethera of variety.  It was very tasty once again!!  After that we went upstairs waited for sara to take a shower and then opened our gifts!!! I got an alarm clock! It is orange!! Along with some other things, all were very much appreciated!!  After that we streamed the movie The legend of the Gaurdians - the one about the owls.. it was pretty good, sometimes the owls were a bit scary- lol with my fear of birds. uk it happens.  Then at 4 in the afternoon we headed down to the Christmas party that our hotel was putting on!  Supplying with Gluhwein and Kinderpunsch.  and lots of homemade cookies .. yumm yumm yumm!! :] We also went on a walk of our town, it was nice taking alot of random pictures of the beautiful surroundings.  Also on this blessed day we were able to talk to family on the other side of the world.  Mike, Erin, Marlee, Cameron, Dick, on the first skpe call - all looked well.  Then we talked to Gma&Gpa using google phone, and then the Clements on skype.  WE then decied we were going to set off on a journey to La Caprese for dinner, seeing as it was open.  we made it there and then ordered. I had Salmon and spinach pasta, Sara and Dad had Salami Pizza, and Mom had Spaghetti Carbonara.  WE also had an amazing salad.  Then at the end of our meal the owner brought us over some double shots of ameretto for all 4 of us.  Sara was not that big of a fan lol.  I liked it tho.  Then we made it back to our hotel and skyped with Mary, David, Tony, Papa, Cici, Linda and Macho.  WE didnt get to talk to the other mindts tho :( bummer.  overall it was a nice christmas and It is one I will remember.  We called it a night and once again snuggled into our nice warm beds and fell alseep. 

I hope all had a wonderful Christmas - Frohe Weihnachten!!! <3 :}

**pictures ahead
 ~ Ris <3

Monday, December 27, 2010

Which way is Which????

Welcome Welcome One and all to the continued days of The World Wind Tour!

We woke up and packed our bags and had a very good breakfast - again with eggs and coffee, cheese, ham, bread.. except today we had pretzels as well.  Also- you know that famous picture that everyone loved of me with the pretzel and the beer. Well I forgot to add that in Nurenberg we got a huge pretzel and my family enjoyed it.  :) It was hard and crunchy just like mine!!  Well back to day three.  We packed the car, said good bye to the Hahns and headed down to Dachau. It was quite an expierence.  Dachau was opened in 1933, and it started out as a political prision.  It also was a model Camp for the rest of the camps.  Dachau was inhabited by only Germans in 1933-1938 and then other denominations were added to the mix.  Dachau had bedding changes, it went from single beds with dividers and another room for mingling, to a room just for sleeping with single beds stacked three high, to the last one where there the inhabitants had to sleep side by side head to toe and toe to head packed in tightly on beds stacked three high.  The guide informed us that the goal of Dachau's Soliders was to strip the inhabitants of three things.  1) Their identity 2) all of their posessions & 3) their dignity.  this was the goal however, the inhabitants were not the ones who lost their dignity it was the soliders working at Dachau who were lost it.  The environment of Dachau was Grey and covered with sheets of sadness.  It was not the happiest day on our trip, but it was one that will leave a mark forever in History.  After Dachau we continued on our way to the Gasthaus of Frau Ballwein in Salzburg, Austria!  When we arrived we walked into another little quiant house, quite nice :) and warm!! We unloaded and made our way to the Salzburg Christmas Market.  We had some hot Chocolate with Rum, Sara did not like it to much :( go figure.  haha. We bought some souveniours and gifts :)  We also were adventurous with our desserts, some marshmallow thing.  It wasn't that bad, we also had some potatoes wedges with salsa to keep us over while we were finding a place for dinner.  So we searched for an information booth I approached and asked for help on where a good resturant is.  The person helping us, was a boy probably around my age, and he first sent us to this place that was super smokey, and he also reccommened another place but it was pricey, sooooo we found our own and had pizza and salad from a small resturant.  My mom claims that this boy was hitting on me and I did not know what to do.  All he asked was if I wanted to go out, like out on the town.  He told me where he was gonna be and where he likes to go.  So I guess maybe, lol but still that never happens.  OOO wait. I forgot to tell you about our lovely experience driving to Salzburg, well the GPS was a bit confusing and it led us to driving down one way streets twice.  It was interesting but we eventually made it to the market and back safe to our quaint little house at the Ballwein Residence and went to bed. 

We awoke at the Ballwein residence and went down to Breakfast, Again it was a typical german breakfast, with eggs, cheese, ham, rolls, coffee for my mom.  Very tasty once again!  This day- we had a lot planned for, oo we also made sandwiches for us to eat on the road.  So we headed out on our action packed day.  The first stop was the Saltmine.  We put on our saltmine outfits all decked in Blue with a white strap and extra fabric on the butt for slidding.  So we headed intothe mine on a tiny train straddle sitting one behind the other.  We walked around and then got to slide down a steep slide twice in the mine, Order goes, Mom-Me-Sara-Dad.  It was rather fun :)  Then after this we changed out of our mining gear and headed towards Koenigsee, where my mom had a little fun on the ice.. not so much :( We checked out the boat ride and thought about going on the boat but decided not to, because it was so cold.  So we settled for a Cable car ride up to the top of a mountin 1800 meters high.  On the way up I road with my mom and we discussed things about life and about how my dad is probably taking a billion pictures of the brilliant landscape.  On the way down I road with my dad!  And he was taking a billino pictures,  but I was doing the same thing. 
After our adventure to the top of a mountain we got back in the car and headed back to our place.  We thought we would be smart and walk to a place to eat but, we walked there it was closed so we walked back and got in the car and drove around trying to find somewhere to eat, but we did not know if we could park where we were so we went to find yet another place to eat.  My german failed me there, i could not read the sign... if we could park or not.. :( causing us to find a new place to eat.. Pizza Man.. sounds nice but.. the man was a royal pain in the ARRSS. So we got out of there with our food as fast as we could. Before we left we asked for a fork and he was like 40 cents please.  so we just left and stopped at   a gas station and asked a very FRIENDLY man and he gave us 2 forks for free, also we bought some chips and some Peach tea :)  After this we made it back to our hotel to eat our pizza and my moms spaghetti carbonara.  It was very good :) despite the bad service.  But then we just relaxed watched some European Handball and called it a night!  end of day 4! :] 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Never underestimate the impossible - Family World Wind TOUR!

Hello All! Greetings from the Mindt family in Schuttertal!
So as you can tell my family has arrived and we are all safe.. haha now.. let me tell you we have had our stories.. and now I will start to tell you about our tour.

My family departs from MKE at 2:00pm .. well no they were delayed  till 3:10.  Then having them arrive at Chicago at 4:00 ish to then hopefully to catch their next connection at 6:00.  But guess what that was delayed as well til 6:45.  All was still okay they made that flight to Amsterdam and arrived there at about 11:10.  which was an hour later so they had missed their flight to Frankfurt.  But low and behold it was already canceled.  This whole time I was sleeping and then getting up and taking the train from Marburg to the airport at 9:30, not knowing that my families flight was canceled until I arrived.  Once I arrived at the airport, I frantically searched for other flights that they might have been on.. well all the flights from amsterdam were canceled except for two: one being flown by a different company and then another one later that night with lufthansa at arriving at like the supposed time of 7:30.  So I was in the airport  all by myself.. looking for things to do, trying to get ahold of my family, walking from terminal to terminal hoping they were gonna get off that plane.  I played solitare, texted alex and had him check my email- only to find out my family was trying to take a train!!! so I had a whole new thing to look for, so I called my friend beth to see if she could hook up some internet and look for trains from amsterdam to frankfurt.  She found some, but  I had no idea of knowing what  or which train they would be taking.   Eventually I was walking out a bathroom at around 8:30 and there was my family waking towards me!! and I hear.. There she is!  We were finally reunited!! Then it was off to get the car.. Which we found no problem.  It was all good, so we packed the car up with all of our things to turn the car on and get started on our journey.  Well, we put the car in reverse and tried to back out and we went no where.. except for rolling forward into the curb.  Great another bumper in our day.  So my dad and mom walked back to ask for help and get the GPS, which was supposed to come with the car.  well they returned and sara and I piled back into the car with the gps and all of our luggages and we were finally on our way!! The road to our first home was quite an interesting one.  With streets that are only big enough for one car to drive down and weird signs that look like monsters.   We were exhausted by this time, we were seeing things, I clamed I saw a bunny.. but it was not a bunny it was a fox of some sort runing off into the distance.  As we finally neared our destination of night one and night two we were excited and awaiting a warm welcome of the little old man, who decided that he was gonna stay up for us.  Well, we reached our destination according to the GPS, sad to say that  it did not send us the front doorsteps of the place, like we thought it would.  So we spent the next half hour driving up and down a very small road searching for the place number 25.  Finally, I had an epiphany!! I though of turning down the next street and there it was.. the little old man - Herr Hahn waving at us from the window with an extremely happy face and an excited wave!  We MADE IT and it was  1:00am.  We finally called day one of our trip to rest at 1:30am...No need for jet lag here :)

So Sara and I had a seperate room from our parents, we were on the third floor and they were on the second, the house was so pretty and just a beautiful place to stay for our first couple of nights.  So Sara and I awoke at 8:00am to get up and dressed and go downstairs at 8:30 for breakfast and are looking to see our parents smiling faces, but guess what.... we awake to find out that, well I knocked on their door and walked in.  THEY WERE STILL SLEEPING.. the kids ready before the parents now thats not supposed to happen until christmas haha.. Well anyways my parents could not believe that it was already 8:30 and they eventualy got up and we all attended to a lovely breakfast layed out by the Hahn family.  With Eggs, Meat, Cheese, Bread, Jam.  Juice it was great!   My mom Loved the coffee... seriously!  Then we set out on our journey to Nurnberg.  We saw the christmasmarket and had some Gluhwein!  Walked that area and then drove back to Rothenburg, and checked out the Walled in City.  It was old fashion and awesome :)  We ate dinner in Rothenburg at a recommend spot from the Hahn family.  It was all about potatoes!! My mom and sister had potatoes that kinda look like auflauf but, was not quite it.  My dad had fried potatoes with ham and chesse.  While I had Potatoe Corodon-Bleu.. Which tasted more like those chinese dounuts, but without the sugar.  It was sort of upsetting.  Oh well. The rest of the day was good.  Then we made our way back to our german family the Hahns!  They were so nice, I had been emailing his grand-daughters, so we met with then and discussed what our plans were and just had conversation as if we were old family friends.  Also, my mom and dad had a shot of koffee.  It was rather strong I had a taste, not my favorite, but my dad seemed to like it and my mom didnt mind.  Well, then eventually that evening came to an end, we called day 2 at rest at around umm let's 10:30ish.  Goodnight Rothenburg!

** Pictures will be posted later**

Thursday, December 16, 2010

end of semester :(

Well this semester at Marburg through the IUSP program has officially come to an end.  This past week has been a rough one.  I didn't go to Budapest but I think it was a blessing in disguse, Well that is how I am going to look at it.  For one, I was able to attend the farewell brunch and enjoy another gathering with the IUSP'ers of the Fall semester 2010.  We were a great group and made great memories and foundations that will further grow as we continue our journey's our seperate ways.  Some people of the IUSP group have put into words what the IUSP group has done for them: I am going to list them below bc they are very impressive!!

Taylor's  Words: Deutschland
And they will ask you whether you touched the stars, and you will say no: I danced among them. But will they understand the beauty in that; probably not, it was our crucible and ours alone. Now we emerge on the other end, and we are changed people (for the better I might add). 

I for one have been humbled by the compassion of a group of people I shall never forget. You gave everything to, me and asked nothing of me in return. You shared elightenment and genuine education with me; is there any gift more blessed by the world; I believe there is not. And through this new learning we have become dearest friends. These are not shallow relationships; their roots are not like the Whillows who will let go at the slightest gale. No these are the friendships that will stand the test of time, like ancient monuments. These are friendships that draw their water from the immortal memory of a place we called Deutschland. They will draw their water from places like Schwartweiss, and the sarcastic creed of the Bro, and his arch nemisis the Bro Hater. What will the Slampieces think when we return to our homes? LOL. And what about snowball fights in Wehrda, and 6 day benders in the Christian Wolfhaus lobby. What about Luge rides atop a mountain, and train rides through the night (not to forget 4 cold hours in Siegen Hauptbahnhof). What about Mexicalli; surely that night will bring a warmness to our hearts even when we are old and decrepid. I will remember Paul was the first person I met when first arriving in Marburg off the train. The first thing he asked me was if I was from Minnesota. You see he could tell by my accent (MinnesOOOOta). And surely we can't forget American Pie in the Berlin Youth Hostel. Drunken bus rides, and drunken histories (Shannan and Nathan, you guys were great).

It is not the places themselves that we remember (although spectacular in some cases, like the Kolner Dom); it's the people we shared them with that we treasure deepest. They earn a specail place in the vault of our memory, and we take them with us to the very end of our lives. Perhaps they flash before us just before the lights go out for good. It seems like a cruel joke that a community so bound by mutal understanding and love should now go it's seperate ways, but thus is life and it is good. We will spread the love that we have here; we will share it with our friends back home. And yes we will rejoyice in our return, where families await in patience, and always in the back of our minds will be the best Thanksgiving ever, jammed into the "Unofficial US Embassy on the 2nd Floor". You see only when we have all left one another will we truely have peace of mind to reflect upon how wonderful our IUSP friends really were. I for one, will surely shed more than one teer when, alas we board our seperate trains, bound for our seperate destines. I hope wherever you end up that you find happieness and harmony. I hope that life is everything for you; that you think everyday how special our universe really is, and when you are old, I hope you have no regrets and no guilt. Life is too short for these things. I hope you have all of these things, surely no group of people deserved them more, and somewhere deep in my heart I know you will find them.

I love you guys; all of you, and let us always know each other as we do right now, with a warm smile on our face (and a german beer in our hand).

Well all goodbye's must come, and ours has come: to soon, I might add, but goodbye's always come too soon don't they. The world bows to the love of friends. War's are beaten back by it, sorrow is conquered by it, and purpose is found in it.

I leave you with the words of a man far wiser than I could ever hope to be. "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Whilliam Shakespear. I can't say I was born great, nor can I say that I've achieved greatness, in fact I know I never will, but what I can say, and without doubt or recourse; I have had greatness thrust upon me. Today that greatness swells inside of me like a colossal sea wave crashing against the rocks of my soul. You guys are great, nothing more, nothing less. Let the universe judge this fact, and let the truth of it shine through.

God whilling we will all see each other again; I'm sure we will in the meantime keep on plugging in that great race called life.

With love, your dearest friend, Taylor 

Isn't that amazing.. I was soo moved when I read this, I hope that I will be able to run into taylor later on in life, he is close by so It could very well happen :) He deff has made this trip something to remember.

Jon's Words: See you later Germany!
I wish I could turn back the hands of time. It seemed just like yesterday I was arriving to Frankfurt, Germany Airport. I been having such a great time. Learning a lot, experiencing a lot, and having fun. Its amazing to think about how I was not even suppose to be here. Originally I planned to study in London, but somethings happened where it was not possible for me to go. I'm happy those things did happen because if so I wouldn't be here having the time of my life. Most people only dream about what I'm experiencing. Being emerged in a different culture, interacting with people from all over the world. Making long time connections and friendships. It has truly been a pleasant stay in Germany. Before arriving here I was so nervous, I did not know how it would be, would the people here be nice?, what would the food be like?, would I be able to manage at first not knowing any German?, Probably being one of few Africans Americans here would I be accepted and treated equally? Those were some of the questions I had in the back of my mind before arriving, and all the answers to my questions were positive. The people are great, it was very welcoming, the food is amazing (Bratwurst=yummy), I was able to manage not knowing German at first and I was able to learn some (Ich Möchte ein Bier bitte.)(I want a beer please), and I am truly loved here. It really will be hard getting on that plane in Frankfurt to go home. There are going to be so many people that I will miss!!! For example (I will try not leave anyone out) IUSP Fam including the staff, My Three Polish girls(Ewalina, Carolina, Asia) , My two fav Italian girls (Angela Jesscia), My boys Ahmed,Bastian,Mich,Pascal,Felix,Ati, The Schwarz Weiß crew, Chilli King, Doner shop owners hehehe, Steph.

Special Thanks to The Father, The Son and Holy Ghost, My family, Millersville University Study Abroad Program, Soical Equity and Diversity office at Millersville University, Intervarsity, Friends  and everyone else that helped me in some way making this possible!!!

  I would love to say that I had an impact on on Jon's life, but more so I would have to say he had an impact on mine.  The way he was so open and willing to communicate with everyone, it truly was amazing.  He made me realize that sometimes in life you just gotta trust yourself and go with what you feel, you will end up making lifetime memories and meeting extraordinary people!

Some quotes that a fellow IUSPer noted along the way
Becca: "You can't taste them you know."Bryant: "...the pretzels?"
Maria: "No the rufee."
- Sept 1 - first night, having a beer at the Eiscafe in Rudolphsplatz
"Shit just got real." - Adam. First documented on Sept. 2
"Das Rollenspiel?" - Olivia, Sept. 7/10
"When people start to bubble you need to go home." - Olivia
"It's Fritz in a closet!" - Stephanie T, Sept. 10
"Wehrda, Bürgerhaus!"
"I'm so fantastically hungry, I might eat parts of Jonathan... so anyway, oven mitts!" - Raphael, Sept 24
"Hast du meinen Drachon gesehen?" - Fritz, Olivia, Maria and Me, Oct 1
"It's a game for witches! It's unholy!" - Alex, Oct. 1
Alex: "Goddammit Grandma!"
Chelsea: "Grandma's a little buzzed right now kids."- Oct. 1
"I didn't have alcohol poisoning! They didn't pump my stomach! I was dehydrated! And sleepy!"
- Alex, Oct. 1
"I'm a hot muthafucka." - Savino, Oct.4
"Regal royalty composes themselves even when shitfaced." - Maria, Oct 15
"Don't need no reason to be fly, baby." - John, Oct 21
"*throws painted black stick in ghost form* get it?! Forest." - Maria, Oct. 23
"My eyes look dizzy." - Chelsea, Oct. 31
"Sneaky Schlampe." - Adam, Nov 4
"I asked him, I said are you gay or are you just very well dressed? And he said, I'm somewhere in the middle." - John the English guy in Vienna, Nov. 5
"He's very light on his feet for a drunkard." - Olivia, Nov 6
If it's not on, it's not on." - Amanda the Australian girl from Vienna, Nov 6
"I just want to rock back and forth under this table like an autistic child. Is that so much to ask?"
- who else? Olivia, Nov 7
Becca: "Which one? The white or the red first?"
Maria: "Which one goes better with tortellini?"
Becca: "!"
Maria: "Open the white first."- Nov. 9
"Love is not about waterslides, Maria." - Mike, Nov 10
"Apparently their hippo-campuses are smaller." - Christina about men, Nov 16
"It's as old as the earth itself, my child." Olivia in an old man voice, Nov 20
"I was just kidding and I should have been real!" - Chelsea playing Egyptian Ratscrew, Nov 21
"I'm an equal Zelda opportunist." - Maria, Nov 25
"I went up to the bus driver and punched him out the window. And then I drove the bus! But shh! Don't tell anyone." - Taylor, Nov 27
"Women flock to the keg. They don't flock to the sixpack! A sixpack doesn't do shit!" - Taylor, Nov 27
"He bitchslapped Libertarianism!" - Taylor, Nov 27
"Who threw the corkscrew? - Olivia, Dec 1
"I would be mad, but you've rocked my world too many times." - Mike, Dec 2
"I am just going to sit on a park bench with a box of Merlot and watch the world go by." - Mike, Dec 3
"I can hear the ocean!" - Olivia holding Paul's sleeves to her ears, Dec 3
"I don't do the whole office thing. I'd rather be homeless." Adam, Dec 4
"I can't get drunk, I have to buy socks!" - Kaleigh, Dec 4
"I was definitely the Mexico of world trade for that one." - Mike, Dec 4
"Standing in the shadow of a football stadium... If that's not a slampiece's dream I don't know what is."- Mike, Dec 4
"Cougar's on the prowl. Cougar's on the prowl." - Chelsea, Dec 4
"I love hollering at the bitches." - Mike, Dec 5
Maria: "True, I am not the perfect Aryan child."
Mike: "I would have hid you... In my Love Dungeon."- Dec 5
"He needs a union." - Taylor about Herbie the Dentist elf, Dec 5
"So...You could say that Canadians make Christmas possible." - Taylor, Dec 5

Okay so  some of those quotes are out of Context.. but they are fun and I was not there to witness all of them but when talked about they deff make the room fill up with laughter :) 

Well Seeing as this blog has been mainly other people's writings I will continue now with words of my own.  On Friday I said goodbye to Susan and Kayte :( It was difficult but I know that someday in the future we will see each other again.. and do YOGA.. hahah.. <3 well mb but still - its fun to fantasize haha I miss my pasta & salad partner.
Saturday was a pretty chill day went to schwarz weiss with a bunch of IUSP people to just chill and hang out some more before more people departed for home.  On sunday I bascially slept all day then, sad goodbye to Chelsea- Sad day, Fellow Volleyball Partner has left me and now is officially safe and sound at home :) I will miss you but a reunion is a must!
Monday I recieved my utmost generous Package!! Which was hell for me to get but I finally got it! Thank you Gma & Gpa, Greg, Carla, Kendal, Alec, Sara, Mom, & Dad!  Everything is perfect and the food.. I mean I had just mentioned to my mom how I was craving Gpas famous Cake cookies and the ritz pb chocolate things.. And look now i have them <3 the boots and backpack and scarf and socks and Camera.. are perfect!! I love them all!! Then I went to sued haus with the IUSP gang again to chill and relax on some more people's last day there :( Schade!
Then tuesday I pretty much slept all day to prepare myself for my crazy journey to the airport with Mike, Paul, Adam, Christina, Jenny (those leaving us) & Kalli, Kaleigh, and Beth! It was quite an eventful night we sat in the airport lobby until about  4:50am when the 4 of us had to go back and catch the train back to Marburg.  During those 5 hours we were there we talked and created a list of awards for IUSP people.. I will post that as well.. Ik this blog is long. but good :) (hopefully hahaa) We played cards, talked and just enjoyed each other's company.  We then made our goodbyes and Cya this summer's... and hopes to have reunions :)
I will miss them- Dativ Akkusativ, *snap *snap - Carrr-ee-ssaaa!  It will be weird with out them! :(
Wednesday I slept then Sam came to visit and we made an awesome dinner :) yummmmm!!! I chopped Onions haha go me! Then we just chilled and played way to many different versions of uno with Sarina and listened to Akon!
thursday- today I got up early and escorted Steph to the airport with beth at 5:30 in the morning. to then see her off at check-in to come back to Marburg at 10ish and go to bed.  My days are deff messed up. and I am recovering from being sick.. lack of sleep does not help this situation..
On the upside my family comes in well 3 days time!! I can not believe it.. Where has this time gone.. don't get me wrong I am totally stoked for my family to come, I am just shocked that almost everyone who I have come to call my IUSP family has left the country already.  Meaning I will have to create a new IUSP family next semester.. It is just rather sad :(
Well I hope all is well at home ooo and btw here is the list of the awards.. some of them are jokes but all in good fun :]

Most Wife-like Characteristics: Emily B.
Best American Accent: Biz B.
Trailblazer of the Year: Molly-Ellen B.
Best Beard Award: Tony D.
The Mystical Zorro Award: Alejandro D.
Most Consistent Animalistic Behavior: Adam "R." D.
Most Improved Alcohol Tolerance: Olivia E.
The Obscure Pop-culture References Award: Danny F.
Closet Comedian of the Year: Kathryn G.
Most Eccentric Mannerisms: Taylor G.
Most Epic Hug Award:Kayte G.
Like the Best, Fucking Like, Sentence Filler, For Sure Award: Chris G.
Best Girlfriend x4: Kiah H.
Most Prepared Traveler Award: Christian H.
Conveniently Placed Short Person Award: Katie H.
 Exclusive VIP Award: Gauri I./Bronte M.
For being the Best Kendall Award: Kendall J.
Greatest Liability to Furniture: Kaleigh K.
Biggest Threat to Masculine Dominance: Beth K.
Most Eligible Bachelorette: Maria L.
Best Host: Jon L.
Closet Drunk of the Year: Nathan L.
Most Constantly Absent: Jen L.
Greatest Inability to Blend In: Paul M.
Costume of the Year: Lizzie M.
Best Storyteller: Holly M.
 Latin American Bait of the Year: Carissa M.
Most Attached Slampiece (BF is Bro-King): Kalli O.
Wine Queen: Becca P.
Most Excited About Science: Jenny P.
Best Dressed: Savino R.
Recycling's Worst Nightmare: Edlin R.
For outstanding performance; Mallard Award of Quack and MVP of the Flying "V": Bryant S.
 Best Photographer: Susan S.
Most Likely to Get an A in Prof. Hanke's Course: Alexandra S.
Most Complicated Love Life Award: Stephanie T.
Best Ass: Alex W.
The Where-the-Fuck-were-you Award: Issac K.-W.
The Bra Queen Award: Shannon W.
Cyborg Slampiece Award: Nels Y.
Best Ke$ha Impersonator: Mike Z.

We all have our quirks and thankfully we got to know each other's well. Thanks for a great semester! 
 People Cited for Work: Kalli O., Jenny P., Adam R., Paul M., Carissa M., Mike Z., Beth K.,Christina H.

  I hope this Blog has been enjoyable I had fun writing it :) miss you !! Hope you all have a happy holiday!
<3 Ris

Friday, December 10, 2010

going going.. .. ... Staying :(

Well, As I had stated before I was supposed to be going to Budapest today. 
However, in fear of our flight being canceled and not being able to get back in time for steph to catch her flight back to the USA... we are not going :(  
We are trying to cancel/move our flight for february so we can go later on and not have to worry about anything.  Sad thing is.. I never got the confirmation email so I can not do this. Also the frickin' airline sucks but and it costs almost 2 euros a phone call..... I can not afford this :( its upsetting.  

As of right now.. I have lost $80 dollars to easy jet on the loss of going to Budapest.
This week has not been a good week yesterday was a long day with everything going wrong.
People are leaving me today and now my flights arent working out.
Ugh on a happy note I finished most of my laundry and I get to go to the last brunch with everyone.  Which is exciting :) im trying to remain happy right now with this situtation.. but Its hard I am very sour at the moment.
Well hopefully my flight legittly gets cancled orrrrrrrrr.... i get my confirmation number in time to change it so i dont completely lose everything.. and the real bummer of it all is.. that we bought the insurance so we could cancel but now we have no clue how we go about doing that.
hmm okay that is all for now
~cheers for a new day!
<3 Ris

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wisconsin time..????

So I did go with kayte to pick up her friend and let me tell you it was eventful.  To say the least!
So we go the bahnhof and catch the 10:49 bus to make it to frankfurt at 12:19 with the next train back to marburg at 12:32.  We normally would have enough time and we probably would have made it.. if Nora's plane would not have been delayed a hour and then she still had to take the bus to the trainstation.. which is two hours long.. so we did not actually meet up until 2:00 it was crazy.. However, by this time we had missed the train. sadly this was the last train of the night.  The next train to Marburg was at 5:21 am, so we waited.  Eventually a security guard told us to go to the mission bahnhof to stay warm. We ended up sleeping like homeless people on the floor of the bahnhof mission center.. at least it was warm and we werent dying of hypothermia, which we probably would have.  Anyways we made it back to Marburg and caught the first bus, yes they are just started running again.. and then we finally made it back to CWH by let's say 7:15am. Just in time for the sun to come up.. it was a rough time to fall asleep in my room- with all the light.  The next day I slept until 3 which is roughly hmmm 9 o'clock am at home there in WI.  So I got to talk with my family in the morning as if it were my morning as well.  Go figure :)
The next day was also very much a Wisconsin Time zone day as well.  Well seeing as it sadly Kayte's and Susan's and a couple of other people's last weekend here we decided to hit the town.  So we meandered our way to the Absinthe bar.. the alcohol that was banned in the US for a while because of its hallucinogen feelings. Don't worry it's safe.  It was not that bad tasting.  Well if you like black licorice it is the drink for you.. if not.. I would recommend avoiding it at all costs.  Anyways after our lovely experience there we headed to schwarz weiss.. one of the most popular bars for the IUSP crew.  They were having a Christmas party.  So there was dancing.  It was a fun time :) But we wanted to leave at 3.. however every single stinkin' taxi was being used.. sooooooo.. we had to wait until 6 am toget a taxi to com home. But we made it home eventually :) that is the promising part.  The next day I woke up and went to auflauf with some people- again.. lol I just can't not order auflauf. It is really yummy <3  Then we waited for the bus home.. but we took a different one and just walked.. because it beat waiting another 20 min for line 1 to come. then later that night I visited the CWH bar becuase it was our christmas party but called it an early night and just came home and sat on the computer for a lil bit... seeing as i wasn't tired yet. :/ ekk

Monday was the start of our final classes... its a sad but exciting tale to tell.
the last reproductive health class was rather fun :)  then I just went to lunch with Kayte and her friend Nora.  But i did not get auflauf.. i got pizza haha.. so much healthier.. NOT! anyways it was good.  then we went to look for my camera to see it happened to be in the snow... seeing as I can not find it.  I hope it turns up somewhere and was not stolen but who knows at this rate.
Anyways later that night we went to a Blind cafe- where is completely dark and you have to order, eat, drink, and pay all in darkness. It was quite an experience.  I got a suprise nonalcoholic drink and had to guess what it was.. It was Lift- sparkling apple juice.. quite good it was the first time i had it.  I would deff reccomend people to go there and experience that, it makes you appreciate what you have.  Also I think it improves your mind and your ears.  <3 something alot of people need including myself haha ;]

Today is my last class for Industrial Revolutions -its crazy I can not believe now fast the time has flown by.

Well some fun facts - I'm famous lol here is a link to the testimonial that i wrote for the program I am the Academic year one!
Also - my family will be here in T-12 days .. how crazy is that.. wooot woot!  and christmas is on its way.. to be honest it does not feel like christmas to me.. but then again.. all the holidays are strange right now. oh well
It is an experience that I can learn from and live with :)
Well love you all!

Friday, December 3, 2010

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.”

Christmas Markets.. are EVERYWHERE!
 It snowed and kept on snowing.. :] yay! <3
On Friday the 26th I made a field trip with my Industrial Revolution tutor and Beth Kocina to the European Central Bank and we were given an insider view of how the Bank worked and some of their jobs.  Also we learned about what the plan was for Ireland and Greece.  It is quite interesting.. because basically they have a plan for Ireland but Ireland doesn't want help.. but they have no clue what to do for Greece, they are basically screwed in this situation.  But all in all, its great for us exchange students representing the dollar, the exchange rate is going to our favor! That is amazing :) I'm not soo poor.. pahh.. who am I kidding.. I am still poor .. haha

Well anyway back to the story.. after the tour/lecture we went to the Christmas market in Frankfurt.. oo btw the ECB is in Frankfurt - i forgot to mention that .. lol well anyways we went to the market. and it was required we drink a Gluwein or take a test on the lecture.. so naturally we all drank a Gluwein, not that we minded it deff warms you up in the freezing weather, but let me just tell you it is STRONG- and deff not my favorite drink in the world, but the Germans, well most Germans, LOVE it and can not get enough of it <3 
After that A couple of us left early and came back to Marburg because it was Marburg b(u)y Night!                                                                        It was Freezing.. it was so cold that Beth and I decided to just get on the bus and ride around look at the lights.. granted then i didnt get the best pictures.. but it was either that or the loss of my toes.. i figured i would manage.. lol This was also the kickoff for the market in Marburg soo it was Packed and this was including the buses.. so after we made our way up to the oberstadt and took some pictures. It was really pretty :) as you can see from the pictures I'm sad that everyone who comes here will miss the markets :( oh well.. I can only express my experiences and you can experience then from me. :) but like I said it was extremely crowded so the buses were off schedule, sooo our bus did not come at the right time :( so we had to wait in the snowy coldness for the bus.. but luckly our friend nichola was nice enough to invite us over for a while.  So we went over there and I had a piece of pumpkin pie :)  the dessert i missed from Thanksgiving.. there will be pictures of Thanksgiving a the end of this Blog seeing as i didn't post them earlier it was sooo cute!! But anyways we then caught the bus eventually..  and I came home and unthawed :) and went to bed.

 Then on Saturday the plan was to play football - however, Beth had to play a joke on our friend with the football Paul- and hide it from him.. soo unfortunately we could not play because the football was in someones room, who was away for the weekend.. it was a major bummer.. hopefully this weekend.. but who knows with all this snow that we have now! : ] Anyways instead I worked on my Industrial Revolution paper and pretty much finished it on that day ;) woot.. that was my last hw assignment of this semester.. Go me!  Anyways that night I made dinner with Sarina.. it was rather fun and nice and we practice talking in German .. Always need the practice.. me not her haha.. ; ]  Then I watched Harry Potter 6 to prepare for Harry Potter 7 on Sunday!  Then yes on Sunday I say HP 7 with Lizzie, Bryant, Steph, & Chris.  It was a lot of fun - I really enjoyed it.  Fun note about seating in theaters in Germany - they are assigned so you don't have to rush into the theater to get a seat, its already picked out.  It's kinda nice :) Oh and another thing.. the popcorn they normally have is the sweet kind and if you want salty you need to ask.. but they don't use butter.. it's amazing.. lol they are missing out.. ooh how i miss super buttery salty popcorn- haha.. artery clogger.. but soo GOOD!
 Then later that night I went to Coelbe with Sarina to visit her friends and eat some Ghana food- Fufu - it didnt taste bad, but it didn't taste like anything according to Sarina it sucked.. lol she said I should try it made at a restuarant not by her out of a box.  I think she deserves more credit than she is admitting . i would have no idea how to make it lol.. But then we also had auflauf.. which was extremely good..and I think I will attempt to make it for you guys at home some time. its kinda like a Casserole and it can't be that hard.. so I will try and all of you will feast some day.. lol.. yes mom you can quote me on that.. I will attempt and NO i don't want help haha.. :P I hope it turns out good granted i have quite a bit of time to practice making it :)


 Anyways.. more snow.. it just kept on snowing.. all weekend and pretty much this entire week and here are some pictures from earlier this week :)  I did not have class on Monday - because It was reading week for the particular field.. so I just laid around.. ik ik i have the life.. haha.. I did eventually get up and look up the laws in Wisconsin addressing the reproductive health policy for my class on Wednesday.  Then I finished off my Industrial Revolution paper.. well at least I thought.. I found out later that I have to make more changes to make it more in the format on how to make it more the German Format for my Prof - frustrating! To take break I went out side I helped make a very sad  Snow man.. but we made one to say the least  :) then after that Kayte came over and ate some lovely food like usual.. noodles and salad haha.. and watched the movie Tangled.. soo cute.. we loved the iguana.. Pascal!! He's adorable :)
 Then on Tuesday it was usual.. and then Beth came over and her kayte and I did yoga and made tacos and did some random dancing.. funness.. like pop lock and drop it, walk it out, soulja boi.. we tried to teach Sarina.. it was great :)  
Then wednesday was tutoring.. and just chillin and then I went to Lecker Eck and had a Yufka Doener.. it was pretty good.. I could not eat it all.. but it was still good.. then i went to a meeting with the Dr. Stephen Kolison, Associate Vice President for Academic, Faculty, and Global Programs at the University of Wisconsin System He was was super nice and had some good insight onto the world and me along with 3 others had our voices heard for the Wisconsin - Hessen exchange program : ] and study abroad in General!  
Also on Wednesday we booked our hostel for Budapest which is next week already.. cuz I can not believe it.. and since monday I have been here for 3 months.. that feels so short, but yes so long.. Its crazy!!!!   
Then on Thursday I just hung out and chilled with kayte pretty much all night, we ate more than we should of and watched glee and talked and just enjoyed each others company... it was a rather fun night :)
However, I can't believe that people are leaving next week friday.. it's going to be so weird not seeing the same smiling faces every couple of days or being able to call them up and hang out.  All I know is that I will miss them and they have touched my life and helped me in the search for who exactly is Carissa Mindt?  It's been a great journey and I can not wait to continue it! 
Further plans for today - go to the Marburg Market and then go with Kayte to pick up her friend in Frankfurt :)  then who knows.. It will be a fun filled weekend tho :)  Also  here are some fun facts - Marburg has 39 libraries.. and some of them have monks in them :)
Also Sarina's Mom made us an advent Calendar for our Flat - it's so cute :)  
Oh and here are the pictures of Thanksgiving :)

 Well I love you all and I hope all is doing well as we are heading into the Holiday Seasons! 
Stay warm!
Much love
<3 Ris