Good morning Wisconsin.. literally.. 4:07 am :)
I hope all of you slept well.. it is a very large necessity of life - that I like to have weird patterns of. yep that sums that up. hmm.. so Thursday i wrote to you unveiling my plans of the future.. Well now it is the future and some of those plans have taken action.
For example Dooms day- Friday the 15th German Examination day...
Surprisingly this was the first test I was not that worried about.. I was shocked the reason I think i wasnt to worried was because I actually felt like my German had improved and the test seemed similar to those that I have had previously in the States... But still that was an extremely weird feeling for me.. That NEVER happens.. EVER
Arrived there and was told to take a seat.. the room was in a different orientation so it kind of threw me off a bit, but i manage to get a grip.
Then we handed out that first part of the test- listening- we had 35 minutes to finish it in. She read it off and I quickly jotted down notes to go back and fill the test in later. She read through it twice and it went well I felt confident in my answers and word choices. After that test we took a 10 min Pause.. or break which ever you prefer
Then we all filed back into the room for the second part of the test - Reading & Grammar- 70 min This i was a little more concerned for but still not horribly afraid. She handed it out and I started on the Grammar first.. did that and then moved to the reading.. overall.. it went quite well ;) and I was satisfied with my answers, but I did think the Reading was much harder than the listening when normally it is the other way around.. Again after this test we had another 10 min break.
After that we moved on to the final part of the test- Writing- we had 40 min to this part.. which was I think a bit long but I guess some people need the extra time to think of what they want to write. there were 4 question if i remember correctly and for some i had to think of how i really wanted to answer them, in the simplest forms possible as not to make silly mistakes. After i completed this test I handed it in collected my things and headed out to the bus stop satisfied with my attempt at the German Examination well atleast the first 3 tests.. I still have one more.. on Wednesday-SPEAKING!!
Anywho.. I continued my day made it back the dorm made some kickin' Grilled cheese.. then got a message that i had a package went to go pick it up but her office wasn't open anymore :( major bummer and it wont be open again til Tuesday.. So I will have to go pick it up there. then i had some peanut butter and banana and pb&j sandwich for dinner then got dressed in my costume for the halloween party and headed off with Sarina to Raphael's!!
It was a fun party people were dressed crazy we had a flower pot, ab Lincoln, the devil the angle, i pod dancer, Eve, Bunny, Cowgirl, Thing 1 & thing 2, it was a pretty awesome party :) (those are just a few)
Then I caught the 12:33 bus and made it back to the dorm safe and sound even with walking cuz we had a big group of people ( the bus stop is still closed ...ugh)
then I watched an episode of Criminal minds because I was not tired.. then i fell asleep and woke up at six.. couldnt fall back a sleep right away.. then talked to alex online.. it was nice he was on.. only for like 20 min then i got tired again and fell asleep only to wake up at 9.35 thinking my alarm would go off at 9.45 so i went back to sleep.. unfortunately i didnt save the alarm.. so it didnt go off so i didnt wake up at 9:45.. nope I woke up at 11:05 right before kayte called me to ask if i was going to go to the zoo.. I was freakin out the bus was coming in 15 min and i still needed to get dressed and walk.. 10 min to the bus stop!!@ luckily the werent gonna make the 12;05 train so i had more time.. I got up made EGGS in a WHOLE!! YUMMM soo good then got dressed and grabbed my umbrella and headed to the bus stop in the rain :( and half way to the bus stop I realized.. I had forgotten my phone.. but it was too late to turn around.. i was running phoneless.. But i managed to make it to the bus stop and all the way to haupbahnhof before the others got there.. so i waited hoping they were going to show up seeing as i had no way of communicating with them or reaching them at this point. But they showed up and all my anxiety of being late went away.. so we got on the bus..oobtw it was only Kayte, Christina & I everyone else that was gonna go was a bit tired from partyin' last night lol.. So we made our way to frankfurt.. we arrived and then we asked each other if any of us new how exactly to get to the zoo.. none of us new.. so we went to the tourist information and looked up the info ourselves and then was on our way. so in the zoo it was quite interesting all of the Animals interacted with you they new you were there and were showing off. It was a different experience I am used to the animals ignoring you and going about what there were doing.. not here.. they deff acknowledge you were there. the first cage we went to was a small monkey and he clapped his hands at us.. it was amazing.. So overall I would say the zoo was a success Even tho it was raining and cold and wet. we survived ;) yay!!
Then we returned to marburg and met up with Paul, his mom, and one of his friends who attends Marburg Uni. It was fun, we went out to dinner and i ordered Chicken-Curry-Auflauf.. ooo it was so good. :) Yumm and then when we were going to pay. Paul's mom paid. it was so nice of her and she really did not need to do that. but she wanted to- I am thankful <3 Then I headed back to Christian-Wolff-Haus with paul and then I took a long much needed HOT shower... to warm up and then just sat around on the computer until i was tired and now here i am up loading pictures updating you guys and doing some hw.. and then later.. I will be skyping with my family during the packer game. :) WOO HOO hopefully I will have enough motivation to go for a run and clean up my room to get ready for a whole new week of classes and prague this weekend.. OMG its going by so fast.. so much to do so little time .. well off to actually write my journal for class
Loves Ris
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