Saturday, April 30, 2011

In the Face of Reality

Reality is sinking in - the final months are upon our group.  Well specifically my journey in Germany and the travels to many other countries.  The first person to leave is Christina - she ends her journey early - for her uncle's wedding.  It is crazy that she has less than a month left here in Marburg.  I myself am scared at how fast these next weeks will fly.  I have been living here for 8 months now - it has become my home.  I know where to buy the cheapest things, where to shop, wheres "cool" to shop.. haha :P  What people do for fun.  Which bars are the best to go to - well mainly from hearsay but still.  I know the running paths now. That is something I am for sure going to miss - I love the running paths I have about 8 different ways to run and they are all different lengths perfect for those days where you just don't know how long you can go.  Just pick a path and finish it :)
It is sad thinking that they next time I see some of these people will be a long way off - it was the same with first semester but the people who have been here a year - that will just be crazy.. it is a lot like your freshman year at college and then you go away for the summer but in this case you don't necessarily get to see the people in the fall. 
luckily a lot of close friends of mine live near the midwest and those who don't live closer together - soooo.. if I needed to make a trip - which I am planning on doing (who knows when)  it will make it easier.
That part that excites me is that first semester people are already planning a reunion - in july - for GERMAN FEST.... is that not just awesome!  Granted that weekend or atleast that friday will be a bit busy seeing as it will be Amanda's 21st and my Uncles Greg's Birthday - but we will make it work I am fully determined!
Well - I look around my room and I can not even imagine not coming here and experiencing what I have.  It has changed me, made me realize a lot about who I am, what I am capable of, What I want in life, and Just how to be a better person.  I know everyone says this - but it is so true.  STUDY ABROAD - was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life and I would have regretted only staying for a Semester!
Yeah there are times where it sucks to be away from everyone, but those times - help you find yourself and help you become you.  You learn to rely on yourself- which is awesome - btw!
Anyways - I feel that I have rambled enough :)

<3 Ris

1 comment:

  1. I am feeling the same sense of "running-out-of-time-abroad-ness." Haha. But, I am so glad you have enjoyed your year abroad. I couldn't imagine what I'd be like without my experiences outside the U.S. either. See you again soon!
