Anywho.. going back 2 weeks - still!!
Tuesday 29th - our language class was meeting in Wehrda to get our cook on, where we made American Pancakes, German Auflauf, & Australian Lamingtons <3 all were delectable! I helped with the Auflauf.. and now i have a recipe for home - GOAL! We will just have to wait and see if I can actually make it - mb I will need Uncle Greggy's help!
Yes it turned out pretty good we made 2 one for the vegetarians and one with ham. Both were delicious!
That night I did a little shopping went on a run & called it an early night.
-Thursday - Last day of March [OH MY GOODNESS]
I had a test in Language class & we watched the Baader-Meinhof movie in Culture class, all in all it was pretty decent time! Also heard some interesting music: Ich & Ich Pflaster - pflaster = bandaid "you are the band-aid for my soul" - check it out Click the name and it will take you to youtube :)
and that was the 31st!
Friday - DRESDEN
We caught the bus at 8:00 - well no more like 8:50, it was supposed to be 8:00 but some of us, partied a little to hard and slept through their alarms- but we were finally on our way! When we made it to Dresden we dropped our bags off into our rooms and we were off again to start our Bus/Walk tour. It was pretty cool- Dresden is a pretty awesome city. I will say that I enjoyed it way more than Berlin, it just seemed more inviting and more enjoyable.
To Finish the day off we ate the food that is the closest to Mexican food across the ocean- It was pretty tasty tho :) So I am not complaining I had Enchiladas :)
Then on Saturday it was a long bus tour and seeing as many castles/palaces as we could. We also experienced a bit of nature - I am so glad that I helped reccoment Dresden for our trip this semester - it was totally a success in my eyes!!! WAHOOO!! & then Oon sunday it was a lazy day, which consisted of laying on the Elbe (river) and trying to get some sun. Lots of people got sunburnt - me I don' think my skin changed one shade - haha GREAT.. :P We made it back on Sunday night around 11:00
Overall, It was a successful Weekend - Dresden is a must see!! <3
For those dying for the last update- you may be in luck - It may still happen today :)
Love you all!
<3 Ris
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