Thursday, March 31, 2011

14-17 little glimpse

longest time no write - can't figure out why I didn't have the motivation to write or make time to write but here I am sitting in the CNMS hallway on the floor awaiting my time to be called to take my speaking test & writing my first thing of a blog that I have not done in for ever!
Let me shine some light on the past ~ 15 days or so.  Well since the 14th I have ran & i ate some Saladchen which i have noted that it was a bit hard on my stomach - or my stomach didn't like it to much sooo i am just staying away from that for a little bit.  Then wednesday we hit the gym again and I did the elipotcal and all the kind of good stuff- [this is why i should write more often- i forget what i do during the week and what i want to write about lol wow] 
Umm the 17th was ST. Patty's DAY!! Well we didn't really do any real Irish things, but we did celebrate in our own way!  And that was Mexicali <3  We had Karaoke Night - and this time I actually SANG ppl yes I acutally sang - 2 songs
1) Build me up Buttercup
2) American Pie
      - sung in remembrance of the old IUSP students particularly Adam & Paul
quite fun <3
I also shared Nachos & potato Skins with Christina - It was a pretty fun night!
Here are some pictures of the night :)

 Well That is enough for the rest of that week - new blog coming up
<3 Ris

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